“I am Molev,” he called, setting Waurlyn down and holding her steady with one arm while holding out the other.“Look at my arm.See the scars.I’ve been bitten but did not die or turn stupid.Your leaders are studying my blood to find a cure.Yesterday, they did not want to keep a promise they made to these people.”He indicated us.“In exchange for risking their lives to find me and convince me to return with them, they were promised a ticket to save a loved one.Just one.Many gave their lives to save yours.
“The infection is spreading on the other side of the mountains.There are fewer healthy humans every day, and those who remain are not all good.They kill one another for food and safety.It is not a good world.We need to work together to make it better.”
“Our scientists are working around the clock,” Waurlyn said, her voice carrying further in the hush.“They know the cost of each minute that we don’t have a cure in our hands and are running on very little sleep because of it.”
“And what happens when there’s a cure?”someone shouted.“It’s not going to do any of us any good.It’ll be just like the evacuation.”
The crowd’s volume started to rise.
“The islands are not the only safe havens available to you.My people have created more with the help of a few humans.It is a place where the infected avoid.I’ve asked for five hundred human volunteers to help with this effort to create more safe havens.The humans who volunteer will be among the first to receive the vaccine.”
A different kind of murmur rose at that news.Rather than look at the crowd, though, I stared at the clever man speaking and wondered if Waurlyn was regretting asking for his help.
“Tomorrow, we will start taking names of anyone who wants to volunteer,” Waurlyn said without hesitation.“You will be interviewed for suitability as a representative to build better relations between our two races.No specializations are required.Just an amiable personality.”
A few people laughed at that, and some grumbled, but the angry mood had dissipated.
Waurlyn glanced at Molev, and he picked her up and jumped back down with her.She smoothed back her hair when she was on her own feet and looked at Molev.
“Not quite what I had in mind but effective,” she said.“Next time, maybe a little warning before you pick me up, though.”
He nodded and came over to me and Rachel.
“Molev, this is my sister-in-law, Rachel.Rachel, this is Molev.”I looked at her.“He’s the reason Zion’s on that plane.”Her eyes were puffy and red from crying.
“Thank you,” she said.
Molev shook his head.“Do not thank me for separating you from your child.What I witnessed…” Molev shook his head.“It should have never happened.”
“There is limited space in the sanctuaries,” Waurlyn said.“It’s already overcrowded, and without the supplies we’ve been flying in, they would have run out of food a long while ago.If we could have fit more people, we would have.The scientists who came here to work on the cure are why we could send over more people now.”
“I understand,” Rachel said to her.“Molev, even though that was hard, I would rather say goodbye for now than goodbye forever.This way, there’s a better chance I’ll see him again someday.”
“Volunteer to help my people,” Molev said.“You will be safer there.”
Waurlyn looked at Molev.“Whiteman is in the middle of what we consider a hot zone.Why do you think it’s safer?”
“Because there are more of us to keep the humans safe.”
Rachel looked at me.“Will you be going?”
“I will.We’re waiting until the vaccine is ready, so there’s time to decide.”
“If there’s a vaccine, why go?”she asked.
I stared at her, wondering how much to say.“It’s bad out there, Rachel.These things don’t just give you a single bite and run away.”
She exhaled heavily.“Okay.Then, I’ll go.There’s nothing else here for me anyway.”
I hugged her hard.“Stay safe until it's time to leave.”
“I will.”
* * *
I hada hard time focusing when we returned, and Molev knew it.His growl each time I was bitten grew in volume until he finally called a stop.The others drifted away as he stalked toward me.
“What’s wrong?”he asked.“Are you too tired?”