Page 113 of Demon Defeat: Part 2

Molev grunted underneath me.


No one was waitingfor us when we touched down at Irwin, and I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.Neither the pilot nor the guard said anything to us as the rotors stilled.

“Now what?”Katie asked once we were all out.

“We return home, prepare food, and head to the training course,” Molev said.

Brandon groaned, and Steve pretended to cry.

“Are you sure?”I asked.

“Being out in the open is better than being trapped in the house when the general returns.”

We jogged back to the house and made some food before jogging to the course.

It only took thirty minutes before people noticed us training.In no time, we had our regulars there as Molev coached us through using different techniques.

The exercise, while physically draining, also stopped me from thinking of the trouble coming our way and kept me in the moment.I wasn’t a fan of being bitten.Yet, one of the soldiers managed to get my hand.

“Fuck,” I muttered as I jerked it back.

“No biting hard.”The harsh reprimand came from directly behind me, and the soldier in front of me swallowed visibly.

“I don’t know, Molev,” I said, glancing back at him.“The harder the bite, the more determined I am not to be bitten again.It’s a pretty good reminder of why I need to keep fighting even when my arms are shaking with strain.”

He grunted, and his gaze locked with mine.

“And if you keep scaring everyone when they bite me, pretty soon, no one will want to partner with me.”

“I will,” he said.

“I’d rather have their teeth on me than yours.Don’t think I haven’t noticed all those points you’re hiding behind those pretty lips.”

He blinked at me.

I smirked.

He blinked again, and I wondered how much flirting he’d dealt with in his life.

“Would you like to take a break?”he asked.

“I think everyone would.”

He called a break and passed out the food to everyone, not just our team.I bit into my sandwich and wondered what the general’s next move would be.

Near dusk, we heard the aircraft.Training stopped as we all watched the sky for its approach.

“Rest well tonight,” Molev called when he spotted it.“We will meet here again tomorrow.”

Dismissed for the night, the soldiers who had joined us drifted away while those of us in the core team gathered.

“What’s our next move?”Sid asked.

“We welcome whoever is arriving,” Molev said.

It was a bold move after what happened at the evac site, but I understood why he needed to do it.He couldn’t show any signs of weakness or backing down.If he did, they would keep pressing.So, we went with him.Sweaty and exhausted, we maintained a grueling pace and made it to the landing site just as the engines wound down.Katie bent at the waist and put her hands on her knees.