“Maybe something got caught up under us,” I said with a glance at Kevin.

“If it did, it’ll shake free eventually,” he said.

We went a few more miles before Katie made a sound.

“What’s left of the leg we were dragging just fell off.I’m skipping dinner tonight.”

“Mmm.Beef stew from an MRE.That sounds good.”

Katie made a pretend-gagging noise before swearing.

“There’s got to be more under there.We’re still leaving a trail.”

Kevin got on the walkie.

“We’re dragging something and leaving a trail on the road.A leg already fell off.Should we stop?”

Stopping without cover was dangerous.We’d learned that quickly.The sound of the engines drew the undead.Yet leaving a trail could be just as dangerous now that the grey creatures had already found us once.If they were tailing us, we were going to make their job really easy.

“Leave it for now,” Patrick said.“We’ll reevaluate at the next intersection.”

Before we reached it, another leg tumbled out onto the road, and the path of red doubled in size.Patrick called a stop and sweep, telling Cody and Mateo to check our undercarriage.

“Engines idle.Make it fast,” Patrick said.

As soon as the Humvee in front of us came to a stop, Cody and Mateo jumped out.They swept wide and low, reaching our back axle.

“Cody, get clear,” I heard Mateo say.

Cody jogged toward the front of the MRAP, and two shots rang out.Mateo nodded to me as he and Cody ran back to the Humvee.

“Handled,” Cody said over the walkie.

The convoy started forward.

“There were two undead holding onto the axle plates between the two back axles,” he continued.“One was dragging itself.The other was just propped up in there.Neither of them let go when they saw us.”

Kevin swore under his breath.We all knew what that meant.The undead had leveled up their game again.They’d been purposely leaving that blood trail.It explained why the others had stopped chasing us.

“I liked it better when they could only run for short bursts and didn’t see you if you held real still,” Katie said.

“Same,” I agreed.

“Good work, everyone,” Patrick said.“Keep watching for new tricks.”

Kevin made a disgusted sound.“How many more tricks does he think they can come up with?”

I didn’t want to know the answer to that question.

The sun sank lower in the sky, and we had to work our way around two towns and through three more traps.Thankfully, the undead at those traps weren’t as clever as the previous one.

I was ready for a shower, food, and bed—in that order—when we finally reached the FOB.It didn’t matter that the sun hadn’t yet set.I’d pulled guard duty before we’d left and wanted sleep.A lot of it.Unfortunately, our way back into the FOB was slowed down by a few undead at the gate.All of them were in uniform.They sprinted toward the convoy when they heard us, moving just like newly turned undead.

“Do you think they walked from Parsons, or did we miss them on our initial sweep?”I asked.

“Don’t know; don’t care,” Kevin said.

A series of shots rang out, and the undead fell to the ground.