“Stay sharp,” Patrick ordered.

I nodded to Derek, my partner for clearing around the barn.We moved together, working our way around the structure and outlying equipment counterclockwise.When we reached a grain bin, we found a headless undead on the ground.

“We know you’re not infected, Molev,” I said, scanning for him.“If you’re nearby, let us know, and we’ll lower our weapons.Otherwise, we’re going to keep searching for more infected.”

“I am here,” Molev said.

Lowering my weapon, I looked around for him.He’d sounded close.When I saw Derek still had his rifle to his shoulder.

“Do you want to be the next one knocked out by him?”I asked.

He reluctantly lowered it, and Molev dropped from the barn roof, to the grain bin’s roof, then to the ground in front of me.

“Impressive,” I said.“Sorry about shooting at you again.We didn’t know you wouldn’t turn.”

“But now you do.”

“We do,” I agreed, understanding his warning well enough.“Are you immune to their bites?”

He rolled his shoulders in the semblance of a shrug.

“They bite.I heal.”

“Wish it worked that way for us.No human has ever survived a bite.”

Molev grunted and looked toward the house.

“They are done clearing the infected.”

“How do you know?”I asked.

A second later, the radio crackled.“The house is clear.”

“I heard them,” Molev said in the following silence.

“You can hear them from here?”Derek asked in disbelief.

“Yes.And I can hear the humans in the barn need help.”

Derek made a frustrated sound and hurried forward.

Molev set his hand on my shoulder when I would have followed.

“We will go together,” he said.

I ran.He kept pace.When we reached the barn, I could hear the infected moans and soft cursing.Two shots rang out.Gripping my handgun, I crept inside with Molev beside me.

“We are here,” he said.“Do not shoot.”

“Shh,” I said softly, scanning our dim surroundings.Did he honestly not know noise drew infected?Or did he somehow know those two shots were the last of them?

I’d barely had that thought when an infected came sprinting at me from behind a tractor.I aimed and exhaled, a second from pulling the trigger.

“Turn around, Andie,” Molev ordered as he darted forward to meet the infected.

Lowering my weapon, I spun around as he ordered, already understanding what he meant to do.The way he removed heads was messy, and I was close enough to be in the splash zone.

However, as I turned, I saw another infected coming from the other direction.Behind it, Kevin lay on the ground.