Page 161 of Demon Defeat: Part 2

“Is there a closure?”he asked, turning to show me his beautifully sculpted backside.

“There is, but it’s not going to do much.”

After I tied the back, I let the doctor know he was ready.

She and her team drew blood and checked his vitals, his reflexes, his eyes, and his ears…she even looked up his nose.The dry look he shot my way had me covering my mouth and looking at the ceiling for a moment.

“By human standards, you’re in excellent health.I wish I would have had a better baseline from when you weren’t injured,” the doctor said almost absently as she read the bloodwork results.“Or another one of you to compare yours to.”

She sighed and looked up at him.

“What’s your pain level right now on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest?”

Molev’s gaze flicked to me again.

“I don’t think he has the same scale we do,” I said.“His is more of a can I still run or can’t I.”

That led to a test on the treadmill.When he didn’t show any signs of exertion at the max speed after fifteen minutes, the doctor had him walk to cool down then lift things.The treadmill.The exam table.Me.

“Is this really a good idea with the stitches?”I asked, looking up at him.

The corner of his mouth twitched, but he put me down so she could check everything again.

“You are a true wonder, Molev.I recommend a day of rest tomorrow, even though you don’t appear to need it.If you decide to return to the training grounds and would be willing to entertain more demonstrations, please let me or Waurlyn know.I would very much like to be present.”

He grunted in his noncommittal way, and she left so he could get dressed again.

I stayed to untie the back and enjoy the view.

“You have to be starving,” I said.“I know I am.”

He glanced at me as he tied his pants and frowned.

“You should have told me you were hungry.”

“No.What you were doing was more important.Besides, we’re still waiting for Waurlyn and the map.It’s taking a while, isn’t it?”

He made another vague sound as he moved closer to me.His fingers caught mine, and he inhaled deeply while studying me.

“What are you thinking?”I asked.

“I think I would rather go home than wait for the map.”

My insides melted a little at his implication, and I struggled to quiet the need to pull back emotionally and physically.And based on the way he was watching me, he knew it.

“Okay,” I said.“Then let's go home.”

We only managed a few steps in the direction of the door when it opened and Waurlyn walked in.I embraced the reprieve until I noticed her typical unruffled façade was missing some of its polish when she smiled at us.

“I apologize for the delay,” she said.“If you’d like to follow me, I have the map waiting in a conference room.”

“What happened?”I asked as we started following her.

She glanced at me, letting some of her distress show.

“The latest trial isn’t going as well as the team had hoped.While they’ve isolated what makes Molev immune, they’re having difficulties stabilizing it.Hopefully, studying the source of the outbreak will give them more insight regarding why the vaccine isn’t working.”

A horrible thought hit me.“They won’t try using anything from the hounds to create a vaccine, will they?”