“Daisy?” Mya asked with a growing smile. “Is that her name?”
“I think so,” Angel said, looking at Shax. “A pretty, delicate flower that grows in the heat of summer. It feels peaceful. I like it.”
“Daisy,” Shax said with a nod. “I like it too.” His eyes shifted to the baby.
“Time to give Daisy back,” Mya said, going to Molev. She removed the baby from his arm and headed toward Shax. The big guy only hesitated for a moment before he positioned his arm like Molev had.
“My Daisy,” Shax said, “I will protect you with my life.”
“I think my ovaries are melting,” Angel said, watching him lean in to press a kiss to the baby’s head.
“Come on, guys,” Mya said. “Show’s over. Time to let Mama and Papa have some quiet alone time.”
All the fey who’d been silently listening to everything started for the door. Their farewells included, “Thank you for allowing us to see your breasts,” and “Your nipples are very pretty.” Angel treated each comment casually, responding with a “You’re welcome,” or a “Thank you.”
I put my jacket on again and followed Mya out the door.
“So what’s going to stop the researchers from using what they find to kill the people we love?” Mya asked once we reached the street.
“We will,” I said.
She snorted. “Now, who’s telling themselves a lie?”
“I don’t believe I’m being self-deluded. I’ve been outside these walls, Mya. I’ve seen what’s left of civilization between here and the barrier. And it’s not much. Any form of organized society was on the other side of that barrier. The one that just fell. So who do you think will go after the fey? Everyone who was left was evacuated and scattered into smaller camps. They’ll be defenseless by now with whatever trained personnel relocated to try to stop the main body of infected. How long will they last, picked off little by little? How long until the east coast falls and we’re all that’s left to care about who lives or dies?”
Mya sighed and looked up at the sky.
“We already got the message that the east coast has fallen,” she said.
“When?” I asked.
“Several weeks ago.”
I stopped walking and looked at Molev, who was silently following.
“We’re screwed,” I said, realizing what the old message meant. “There’s not enough time.”
His arm snaked out wicked fast, and he had me by the back of my head and against his chest a second later.
“You will not die,” he said, setting his forehead to mine. “I waited lifetimes to find you. I will not lose you now.”
“Then we can’t hesitate with this. We need the researchers gathering samples and testing around the clock.”
He kissed me and held my hand as we walked the rest of the way to Eitri’s house.
My stomach growled as Mya knocked, a reminder that we’d arrived well after lunch but hadn’t yet eaten. Molev heard and tucked me to his side.
“Eitri will have food for you,” he said.
“I’d settle for something to drink and a hot shower,” I said.
“Careful about where you shower,” Mya said. “They don’t view nudity the same as we do.”
“Yeah, I’m getting that picture,” I said.
The door opened, and a confused-looking fey stood there.
“Eitri, we need to speak with the researchers,” Drav said.