She made a face and looked off into the darkness for a minute. “Times sure have changed. What happened to the men who just wanted a good one-night stand?”
“There might still be a few out there. Are you trying to tell me to find one of them?” I asked.
“Hell no. I’m on team Molev all the way. I think you’re just not trying hard enough. Take a shower with him, drop a bar of soap, and fall backward when you try to pick it up. Once there’s penetration, there’s no going back.”
I snorted. “You do realize that won’t work because of the height difference, right? Things won’t line up.”
“Then put a step stool in the shower. Be a problem solver. My point is that you need to find a way to ride Thor’s mighty hammer before the good widow Johnson decides to take it for a spin. Did you see the way he looked at her?”
“Her name is Alison, and Molev wasn’t looking at her. He was looking at Lucas.” He’d done more than look at the kid. That fierce, big grey fighter had sat down at the picnic table with the little boy and asked the kid to arm wrestle.
“Yeah, and that’s why you’re in trouble,” she said. “The way he took to that kid punched me right in the ovaries. Every other woman there felt it too. Lucas doesn’t have a dad, and his mom is scared out of her mind. Why else would she have volunteered to go to Whiteman?”
“She heard they could get a meal if they came here,” I said. “I don’t think she intends to go to Whiteman.”
“Pfft. The people who sign up are fed and housed on base in exchange for reading books until it’s time to leave. In what universe would she say no to that?”
I looked at the lit-up houses on the block over. Those were our people. They were already job shadowing anyone with skilled knowledge. Electricians. Carpenters. Cooks. And when they weren’t shadowing, they were reading and learning on their own. We had fifty-three total so far. Each house had seven to ten people.
It was a good start, but not enough.
“And stop distracting me with side topics,” Roni said. “Stay focused. We’re talking about Molev’s unattended sugar chute. If you don’t step up and claim it, someone else will. Stop dragging your feet already.”
Knowing she wasn’t going to let up, I gave her another half-reason for my continued resistance to having sex with Molev.
“We don’t know anything about how compatible humans and fey are genetically. That’s part of the reason the trials aren’t working like they thought they would.”
Michael and another man had died, and the doctors still had nothing tangible to show for all the research they’d done. Waurlyn wasn’t freaking out yet, claiming that they were making headway and the doctors were learning more with each test. But I knew it was a matter of time. So did Roni. Which was why we’d started gathering volunteers when we had. But we needed more volunteers and more time.
“But what happens if Molev and I are compatible enough? What do you think they would do if I got pregnant here, Roni?” I asked softly. My aging IUD’s expiration date was nearly up and a valid reason to be wary.
“Is that what you’re afraid of?” Roni asked. “That you’d get knocked up and they’d somehow find out and use you?”
“Not me,” I said. “Whatever hybrid miracle we make.”
“So use a fucking condom.”
The answer was so Roni that I snorted. “Even if we did manage to find something to fit him, once I open that Pandora’s box, we’d run out quickly. Do you know how many times he can go without stopping for recovery?”
“No, because you don’t ever tell me anything good,” she said irritably.
“It’s because I don’t know. I managed my sixth orgasm before he could come the ninth time,” I said, purposely trying to distract her. “He never got soft, Roni. Not once. But my stomach is. I was bathed in it by the time I finally met his quota.”
She howled her laughter for a good minute.
“This shit’s starting to feel like Christmas,” she said. “I cannotwaitto open my present.”
“You know what? I can’t wait for it, too. I’m going to go on nice long runs with him and give him all sorts of helpful advice,” I said.
“You’re a good friend, Andie,” she said with a grin. “But let’s not worry about me yet. We have time. You don’t. Your man just wants to get laid. You do, too, based on the way you keep eye-fucking him. Just give in already. You can’t live your life in fear of what-ifs that might not ever happen. Do what you want when you want, and let the rest work itself out.”
By the time we headed back toward our place, I saw Molev waiting at the door of our “sex house.”
“Make naughty choices,” Roni said when my pace started to slow.
I waved and let her continue home as I made my way to Molev. He didn’t say anything until the door was shut behind us.
“Take your clothes off, Andie.”