“Fuck,” Roni breathed. “It’s a dog.”
We both ran faster, making it to the section of the wall where a young woman and a woman in a wheelchair waited.
“Is it crazy that I was starting to believe they were really all gone?” the older woman asked when she heard us.
“No,” I said.
“We were on the way to the party when we heard it, and Mom didn’t want Uan to attempt it on his own.”
“That man already went through hell, wrestling a hound,” the older woman said. “I have no idea what a scared dog will do to him. I’m Nancy, by the way. This is my daughter Brenna.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m Andie. This is Roni.”
“I really hope they can get it before it runs off,” Brenna said.
Another long, lone howl rang out.
“Doesn’t sound like it’s going anywhere,” Roni said, stealing her firearm back.
“Uan said it ran from him,” Nancy said.
“It’d probably go faster if one of us went out there,” Roni said.
Brog materialized out of the darkness.
“I will take you,” he said, tossing Roni over his shoulder in the way I personally hated.
She seemed to as well. “How is this the best way to take me over the wall?” She slapped his back. He slapped her ass. She stilled and hissed out a breath. “Okay. Fine. I’ll give you that one. But you hit me that hard again without immediately rubbing it, I’m dick slapping you while you sleep.”
He ran up the wall without answering her.
“Uh, are they together?” Brennaa asked.
“I’m not really sure,” I said. “But it’s not from lack of trying on her part.”
Nancy chuckled. “She’s got fire, grit, and is able to use both. He’ll figure out how to handle that eventually.”
High-pitched yipping and whining broke out.
“Sounds like someone’s ripping its legs off,” Brenna said.
A second later, Brog appeared at the top of the wall with Roni. He held her in his arms while she struggled to hold a thrashing dog in hers.
“Get us down there,” she yelled.
Brog stepped off the edge. They fell. She swore. When they landed, she released the dog.
“It peed on me,” she said, holding out her arms in disgust. “Take me home to wash me, Brog, or I’m going to be very not okay in about two seconds.”
He quickly left with her, and I laughed and watched the dog zoom around Nancy and Brenna, leaping and licking and wagging its tail like crazy. Its fur was a mess, and it smelled horrible.
“You need some love, don’t you?” Nancy crooned, trying to pet it. “I know just the girl to take care of you.”
“Not it,” Brenna said quickly.
Nancy chuckled until the fey who’d run to help came raining down from the wall, which sent the dog leaping into her lap.
“Not today, my friend,” Brenna said, quickly scooping up the large dog. “Uan, get Mom so this thing can’t jump on her again.” One of the fey carefully picked Nancy up.