Here it comes. Cancer? Bad heart? I’m ready. I can take it.

Just then, Rowan dashed in, waving their hands wildly. “Hey, come up and see. Henry Dale finished installing my desk.”

Iris hadn’t even heard the banging, which proved how distracted she had been. Eli sighed a bit over the interruption, not so loud that Rowan noticed. He dried his hands on the toweland followed them upstairs to see the custom build. Iris was too curious to pass up the invitation, so she went along with them. Sally and Mira were already there, peering into the small room from either side of the doorway.

“Isn’t it cool?” Rowan asked three or four times, getting affirmations from a different housemate each time.

“I love the detail work,” Mira said.

There were fanciful cuts and grooves on the back of the unit, making it look like an art piece, and Henry Dale had painted it in different colors, so it brightened up the plain walls. He demonstrated how to lower and fold up the desktop twice, then Rowan took over. The chair really did get tucked away in the cabinet, leaving no trace once the cabinet was closed.

“You do great work,” Iris said.

Eli agreed. “You should start offering custom builds to those who need special furniture for small spaces.”

“I wouldn’t even know how to start with that,” Henry Dale muttered.

But Iris could see a thoughtful look in the older man’s eyes, so she encouraged him. “If I can run a business, you can.”

“I already did that! I’m retired.”

“You were a general contractor,” Sally said. “This is carpentry. I’m willing to make the cushions for you, as long as you don’t work me too hard. And I’ll need a cut of the profits. Thirty percent seems fair.”

“Thirty percent?! You’re delusional, woman.”

The older couple went off bickering. Iris suspected they’d argue over the venture, but at least it would keep them busy.Rowan slowly sat down at their desk and wriggled a bit, getting comfortable. She took that as the clue to step back. Mira nodded as she closed the door.

“They’ll be lost for hours. I was thinking…”

“What?” Eli asked.

“Rowan’s birthday is coming up, the day before Thanksgiving, and I want to get them a digital drawing tablet. I found one on sale, and I’m planning to get it, no matter what. But I wondered if you’re interested in chipping in?”

“Absolutely,” Eli said at once. “Is a hundred enough?”

“Too much! I only need about half that if everyone kicks in.”

“Then I’ll pay for Iris and me right now.” Before Iris could stop him, he had his wallet out, counting bills.

Mira shot Iris an interested look, as if she had many thoughts and feelings about Eli offering to do that on her behalf. Regardless, Mira accepted the cash. “I…see. Then I just need to talk to Henry Dale and Sally. Thanks for supporting Rowan. They’re really talented.”

“I know,” Iris said.

With that, Mira headed off, leaving Iris to wonder why Eli was so willing to spend money. Was it because he wouldn’t need it for much longer?

Dammit, what was he about to tell me anyway?

Eli should have immediately followed up after the disruption.

There would never be a “right” time to explain things, but the longer he waited, the more difficult it got to raise the subject.It seemed like such a tiny harmless misunderstanding back then. Now, he could see that Iris was worried about whatever his revelation might be, and he shamelessly chose the coward’s path. It probably wouldn’t make a difference if he waited a week or two, right? If he dumped this on her immediately after they started…dating?Is that the right word?Then it might end before even getting started.

If he tried to build a deeper relationship first, she’d be more inclined to examine events from his point of view. Probably. Hell, he didn’t know anymore. This much he did know—he wasn’t ready for this to end. And the minute he confessed the full story, she might ask him to move out.

I’ll tell her when my rental agreement is up. Another month.

Not nearly long enough to do everything he wanted with Iris, but maybe, if the situation went sideways, those memories would be enough to console him.Hmm. It’ll be almost Christmas.Gamma had never believed in the religious implications, but she liked sparkly trees, penguins in sock hats, and red-cheeked St. Nick with a bulging bag of goodies.

Eli felt more or less the same way.