Iris pretended to shiver. “I prefer my houseswithoutbones.”

“Let me do the dishes in peace, you smart alecks.” Henry Dale waved the dish towel at them, and Eli slipped out while the women teased the older man.

I have to get away.

From his guilty thoughts, from fear that he’d end up hurting Iris, even with good intentions. Since it wasn’t raining, he needed to fly. Barely keeping his shit together, he ran upstairs and locked his door, undressed, and opened his window. Out into the night, hawk form borne aloft on the crisp autumn breeze. He glimpsed a bonfire several streets over, mice skittering from house to house, and cats prowling after them. Night wasalive,and he drank it in as he flew, silently observing St. Claire from his great height.

Oddly, while it felt incredible to stretch his wings, he didn’t bask in the solitude as he once had. Before, he’d taken comfort in being alone andaboveit all. No tethers holding him to the earth, apart from Gamma, and she was living it up in Albuquerque. Though they talked fairly often, Liz didn’t fully count since she straddled the line between colleague and friend. Yethewas the one who’d never let her close the distance. He shut people down when they showed too much interest, firming up his walls brick by brick.

Everyone except Iris. She was always the exception to his rules.

Without realizing it, he flew the whole perimeter of townand back again until he found himself circling above the house. Thoughtful now, his wings pulsing with a gentle ache, he perched on the edge of the roof, gazing up at the indistinct stars. It wouldn’t take an expert to identify why he preferred to be alone; it was safer. Easier.

Because people left. It didn’t matter how much he wished otherwise. Endings were inevitable, and he survived by avoiding those moments. He’d become successful, but he was stillalone.And then heheardher, moving about in her room beneath the eaves.

I’mnotalone. Not unless I choose to be.

Comforted, he swooped off the roof and glided through his room, flowing into his human form with an ease born of familiarity. It was chilly, so he dressed quickly and closed the window. Once, he’d considered simply living as a hawk and letting Liz administer his worldly goods in a philanthropic fashion. Now, though? Eli wasn’t ready to let go.

He heard footfalls, so the knock didn’t startle him. He found Sally outside with a hot cup of tea. Chamomile, which was the kind he’d asked her to make the night after the first dance lesson. It touched him that she recalled his preferences, looking out for him as soon as she got home. “I brought tea and Bundt cake. Can I come in?”

“Absolutely.” He stepped back to allow her access.

Sally paused, glancing around the space with a surprised expression. He followed her gaze to the black bag by the wall. “Your room is so tidy. Are you still living out of your suitcase?” she asked.

A pang of guilt stabbed him. “I’ll put things away sooner or later.”

The older woman eyed him, but she didn’t verbalize her doubts. “Hmm.”

“Did you need something?”

“It’s more that I had a question. Iris told me that you ran into my ex at the community center recently. And I…”

“What?” he prompted, sipping at the delightfully warm and lemony drink.

Though Sally had her own reasons for popping in, it still felt incredible to come back to a hot beverage after a long flight. Plus, there was cake. Maybe this was even why hawks and falcons let humans tame them to some degree.They don’t get reward cake. I’m sure it’s mice or raw meat.

“Did Howard make things awkward?” she asked in a rush. “Or suggest that you should talk me out of this ‘nonsense’?”

“Not even slightly.”

“Oh, thank goodness. For a while, that was all I heard from the family. They even tried to get me checked for dementia!”

Eli nearly dropped his teacup. “Really? Just because—”

“Because I wanted to make big changes. Because I wanted to live my last years as I choose. I had a husband. Now I want a girlfriend! But not a life partner. I don’t want to be responsible for anyone else. I want to be able to go home to my own bed. I want to travel and learn new things and—”

“Do it,” Eli cut in, sensing that Sally was getting upset. “Do it all.”

“Bless you. I’m so glad. I was afraid that Howard was up to his old tricks again, but it seems he’s finally realized this isn’t a phase.”

He wondered if this info would make things better or worse, but he decided to loop Sally in anyway. “Full disclosure, he was on a date with someone named Hazel.”

“That’s good news,” Sally said with a relieved smile. “She’s a nice person, so maybeshecan put up with his quirks.”

“Maybe. Thanks for the cake.” Eli lifted the spoon.

“My pleasure, dear. I hope you enjoyed the flight.”