Much as it hurt, it also made her feel full and so close to him. He brought his forehead to hers, burying both his hands in her hair while cradling her head. “All right?”

She nodded against him. “I’m good. Great.”

He kissed her before slowly pulling out and then pushing back in. It hurt less and she relaxed further into his embrace. He repeated the movement again, the pain diminishing even more.

Her legs wrapped about his, pulling him even closer as they kissed again and again. By the fourth or fifth time he’d pushed inside her the pain was gone and only the feeling of closeness remained.

She held him tight as his breath fanned her cheeks, eyes locked on hers.

She could feel the tension building inside him, see the way his teeth gritted, though he kept his movements light and careful.

And then he was falling over the edge of his pleasure, his body spasming with his finish. She held him close until he was done, and his body sagged onto hers.

They stayed locked like that for a several minutes before he carefully lifted her up and, pulling back the covers, slid them both underneath. Cradling her to his side, he reached for her hair to spread it out across his chest.

She laughed then, a quiet chuckle that only added to the intimacy of the moment as he combed his fingers through the strands again.

His warmth, his strength, and the gentle, methodical touch lulled her eyes closed…


The slamming of a door was like a cannon going off near Ethan’s head. He woke with a start, the room near black, only a few coals from the fire giving light.

What time was it?

“Get the guns in the study,” he heard a deep male voice boom down the dark hall.

In an instant he was up and pulling on his breeches.

“What’s wrong?” Natalie lifted her head as he opened the door, candlelight from the hall spilling into the room and casting her curtain of hair with a rosy glow. She looked stunning lying there, and he quickly crossed back to her and placed a kiss on her forehead. “I’m going to find out. Stay here, love. I’ll be right back.”

She gave a quick nod before he spun about, sprinting into the hall. “What’s wrong?”

Gris, Fulton, and Rush stood at one end, looking as though they’d robbed an armory. Each held two pistols in their hands, more sticking out of their waists and holstered around their chests and hips.

“We’re about to be attacked,” Rush answered.

“Again,” Gris added, his massive chest puffing out. “I just fixed all the bullet holes from the last time.”

“Get Natalie and bring her down to the kitchen. We’ll tuck all the women where they’ll be out of sight and safe.” Rush waved a gun toward the stairs. “We’ll need every man to fight, I’m afraid—they’ve got a small army gathering in the street.”

“Attacked?” he asked, his heart pounding in his chest. “Army?”

But he didn’t wait for answers as he stepped back into the room. Natalie was already dressing, pulling her night rail over her head.

He grabbed the dressing gown off the back of a hook and wrapped it around her body, and then he began hastily tugging on his own clothes and boots.

The moment he opened the door to the hall, Rush was there, handing him two pistols. “Take these to start.”

He grimaced but took one in each hand as Natalie touched his back. He could feel her trembling even through his vest and shirt. “What’s happened?”

“Northville stirred up the nest tonight when he went chasing after Gyla. Tried to flush him out, which apparently worked.”

“My uncle’s involved?”

“Yes, love,” he answered as he looked at Rush. “Would it be better if someone left with the women? If we all left?”

Rush’s mouth pinched into a firm line. “Gris and Fulton would never leave this place. It’s their home. But one of us leaving with the women and Gris’s daughter…” Rush raked a hand through his hair. “It’s not a bad plan.”