She was dressed as a…


A cream and ginger cat with ears and a tail, silk and velvet making her shimmer in the candlelight, but he was certain she’d be touchably soft as well.

He growled out his satisfaction as, with swaying hips, she made her way down the stairs.

Reaching out a hand, her gloved fingers slid into his, the small mask she wore perfectly displaying the catlike shape of her eyes and her come-hither smile.

“Natalie,” he whispered, knowing that the moment he got her alone, he’d be unwrapping his little kitten. “You look ravishing.”

A delicate brow arched over her mask as her gaze swept down him. “And you look…”

He spread his arms wide, displaying the magnificent creation he’d donned for the occasion. He’d gone as an…


Natalie let out a trilling laugh at his white waistcoat, coat, and breeches, a halo fashioned over his head. “No one will believe it.”

He chuckled and tugged the waistcoat back into place. “That’s what makes it so fantastic.”

And then, tucking her hand in this arm, he escorted her out to the carriage and into the masquerade ball.

He did manage to complete one loop about the room so that his magnificent kitten could be properly appreciated before he pulled her down a dark hall.

She didn’t even hesitate as she pulled a pin from her coif. He raised a single brow as he took the pin from her hand and inserted it into the lock. “That pin was at the ready.”

She gave a breathy laugh and he pulled her into the room. “I might have placed an extra in my hair for just such an occasion.”

Had she known he’d pull her into…what room was this? He looked about, thinking it must be a sitting room as he collapsed onto the settee, giving her hand a good tug so that she came down on top of him, the silk of her gown sliding against his coat.

His mouth found hers, the kiss hot and fast and eager as their tongues tangled. Her legs cradled his, coming to either side of him, and he pushed up her skirts, only to growl out his satisfaction when he found nothing but her bare ass underneath.

“Kitten,” he rumbled. “You should have come here dressed like the devil.”

She laughed and tugged at his breeches, yanking the fabric down his hips, pulling the length of his shirt up over his stomach. “And miss the opportunity to be your nickname in the flesh?”

“It was an excellent choice, you’re right, my love.” He might have said more, but apparently unable to wait, she sank herself down on top of his rock-hard cock until he was fully seated inside her, both of them moaning out their satisfaction. “Are you going to ride me, Kitten?”

She gasped rather than answering, pushed up, and then sank onto him again. He’d like to see her naked, taking him like this, but with the little cat ears coming from her hair and her mask askew on her face, she looked every inch the seductress, which only made him swell inside her that much more.

He grabbed her hips, grinding their bodies together even tighter as she pushed down on him again, throwing her head back and arching her body.

It was hard and fast and so fucking breathlessly perfect that Natalie had no more moaned out her finish that he found himself groaning as his own tore through him. And when she collapsed onto his chest, his cock still inside her, he wrapped her in his embrace. They’d marry in a week, move to his country estate in a fortnight.

And he couldn’t wait to start that life with her, though he had to confess, he’d found happiness again in London as well. It turned out that wherever Natalie was, that was his home.

Everything was better when she was near. “I love you, my little Kitten.”

“I love you too,” she said with a sleepy murmur.


“A little,” she answered, snuggling deeper into him.

“Shall we go?”

“My mother will pitch a fit if we do,” she answered, not moving.