“Sweetheart?” He searched her face, trying to figure out was happening.

She burrowed herself into his arms as he pulled her close. “I had to see you right away.”

“How did you find me?” But through the crack in the open door, he saw Rush and Abby. Abby looked terribly worried and Rush’s features were set in hard, angry lines. “How did you get here?”

“I pleaded a megrim and then snuck out of the house. I didn’t know where you lived, so I called on Abby instead.” She wrapped her arms about him, looking more frightened than he’d ever seen her.

“What’s happened?” He took her in his arms while the Smiths followed Natalie into the stable. “Tell me everything.”

Tearfully, Natalie told him all that had transpired with Kingsley. With every word, he felt himself growing more tense until he was ready to snap.

Though Kingsley hadn’t openly threatened Natalie, he’d made all sorts of implications and Ethan didn’t like any of them. “He introduced you to Gyla?”

“The whole thing was planned. From the glove to Gyla waiting in the hedge,” Natalie sniffed.

“He for certain wanted me to know that he was threatening you.” He held Natalie tighter to his chest.

Rush growled. “Does he think you’ll be more likely to sell that way? If you know that Natalie is in jeopardy too?”

“How is he threatening her, though? Does he plan to hurt her? Marry her?” He leaned his cheek on the top of her head.

Rush shook his head, but it was Natalie who answered, “I don’t know. He seemed to be simultaneously alluding to both. I didn’t understand it.”

He stroked a hand down her back, unable to puzzle out Kingsley’s intentions. But something that had been vague and hazy was becoming clear. He might not always think he was the best choice for Natalie, but he would protect her with his very last breath.

Kingsley would never step near her again.

“Did I tell you that he told me my hair was terrible?” Natalie looked up at him with her large green eyes. “Or that we’d be done courting when he decided?”

“He said that about your hair?” Ethan curled his lip. “The man has no taste.”

She gave him a ghost of a smile. “I’m afraid he might be right. At least about the second part. My mother will continue to allow him time with me as long as she thinks there is a chance he’ll wed me.”

Ethan’s gaze met Rush’s over her head. The other man’s brows lifted.

Ethan’s mouth clamped into a hard line. He knew what Rush was going to say before he said it. “If only you could just marry someone else, cutting off Kingsley’s access to you.”

Abby clucked her tongue at her husband. “Rush.”

“He’s right,” Ethan said. “Even an engagement would ensure your safety.” But all his fears welled up in his chest. Marrying Natalie was best for her now, but what about later?

A question was shining in her eyes. “Are we making another deal?”

“Another deal?” Rush asked, but Ethan ignored him.

“No deal,” he answered quietly. “But an offer.”


“Marriage,” he said, standing straighter. “And a promise to be the best man I can, though I expect you’ll help me with that.”

“Oh,” Abby gushed, her hands coming to her mouth, but he only looked at her for a second before his gaze focused back on Natalie. He barely breathed as he waited for her answer.

It wasn’t that he didn’t still have doubts, but he’d keep her out of harm’s way. That had to count for something, didn’t it?

“You’re proposing?” she asked, visibly swallowing down a lump. “Here? Now?”

“I’ll not allow him to hurt you,” he said in return.