Page 75 of R is for…

“Yes, Sir?”

“How are you?” That wasn’t what he was supposed to ask. He should ask what color she was, ask if anything was pinching.

“How am I?” She smiled. “I’m flying.”

Chapter 14

She was weightless, yet heavy.

Flying free, but safely anchored in place, and not just by the ropes.

Master Bennani held her hands, and of all the physical sensations bombarding her right now, that was the most important one.

“Flying,” he repeated with a small smile.

“Yes, Sir.”

“I’m going to touch you now.”

One of his hands was already moving, fingers sliding from hers so he could cup her breast. The pleasure was instant. Her breasts, lightly compressed by the chest harness, felt heavy and tight, the skin hypersensitive. He ran his knuckles back and forth over her nipples, and she panted through the pleasure.

Then Master Bennani put his hands on her shoulders and gave her a little push.

Josslyn swayed back and then forward, swinging like a pendulum.

Forward, back.

A sense of longing and déjà vu filled her, and it took a moment for her to understand why.

Forward, back.

This is what it had felt like when she was a child on a swing. Weightless and free, that thrill that comes from fear, but fear tempered by bone-deep belief that you were safe. As a child she’d been safe and taken care of, so she could swing as fast and high as she wanted.

Forward, back.

Master Bennani was taking care of her too. She was safe with him.

Forward, back.

She closed her eyes, and without a visual anchor, the rocking motion felt wild and huge.

Her body thrummed with need and contentment. The ropes held her tight, their pressure delicious. Her head was light, the world spinning around her while the sounds of the club receded leaving only a gentle hum.

Hands caught her shoulders, stilling her. She didn’t open her eyes.

Josslyn’s pussy clenched when Master Bennani—and she knew it was him, even with her eyes closed—rubbed something soft over her nipples. She looked down to see him holding a small heart-shaped paddle with soft black fir on one side.

He caressed her breasts again. Her nipples felt hot and large.

“I’m going to spread your legs and play with your pussy.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“But I’d also like to hear the end of the story you were telling me before.” His words were careful, almost hesitant. As if he didn’t want to upset her.

He was so careful with her.

And yet… He was also so cruel.