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“Who initiated scenes?”

“Mostly, I did. I’d tell him I needed something more, or something rough. That was my sort-of code.”

“Did you ever use your safeword?”

“No, because almost everything we did was my suggestion.”

“How were you punished?”

“I wasn’t. We didn’t really play like that.” She sounded wistful.

“In your opinion, were there things you did that deserved punishment?”

Josslyn sucked in air, then released it slowly. Her legs moved restlessly, and for a moment, she started to spread them before stopping and crossing her ankles.

“Yes, Sir.”

Back to adding “Sir” to each sentence.

“Did you ask your Dom for specific things?”


“What did you ask for?”

“I asked to be spanked if I needed impact play.”

“Did you ever ask for something harder? A paddle?”

She hesitated.


“No, Sir. Because I was worried Mike wouldn’t bother to look into how to use it, and he might accidentally really hurt me.”

Ilias squeezed her shoulder, wishing he could reach back through time and fix things for her.

Josslyn hurried to add, “I wasn’t scared of the pain, but I knew that if he did hurt me, even by accident, he’d never be willing to do anything like that again, so I figured it was safer to just stick to spanking.”

“What else did you ask for?”

“Everything.” Now her laugh was bitter. “I love anal play, especially anal sex.”

“And he didn’t enjoy it?”

“I don’t know. I had to ask for it, so I assume not.”

“What about plugs?”

“I bought four or five different ones. If I got them out and put them on my nightstand, along with the lube, he’d use them.”

“What things did he like? I know you said you weren’t sure if he was truly into BDSM, but there are plenty of people who enjoy a kink or two without being interested in the full power exchange.”

“He liked skipping foreplay, but in a hot way. Not a lazy way. An ‘I’m going to fuck you now’ way.”

Ilias refrained from commenting.

“He liked hair pulling and nipple play, and forced orgasms. He wanted me to come four or five times every time we had sex.”