Page 38 of R is for…

Josslyn’s gaze darted to her other side, where Master Geise had resumed his seat. When he caught her looking at him, he raised his glass in a small salute. Josslyn turned her head and finally looked at Ilias.

Meeting his gaze made her breath catch. When he looked at her, she knew she had his complete attention. He was wholly and entirely focused on her, and that was thrilling and intimidating. It made her want to both cover herself in order to hide from that intensity, and lay herself bare, and offer him everything she was, body and soul.

It’s just that you’re in the scene, she reminded herself. Don’t be dramatic and start thinking in terms of “body and soul.” This is more intense than your last few scenes have been and that’s the reason you’re having such a strong reaction.

An explanation did nothing to mitigate the urge to submit all that she was, and all that she had to offer, to this man who was still, in most ways, a stranger.

Ilias released her breast and switched hands, gently circling her throat with his fingers. She raised her chin, tipping her head back to expose more of her throat. He squeezed it gently, applying enough pressure that she felt it but not enough to restrict either air or blood flow.

A soft touch slipped over her clit from bottom to top. She’d been so caught up in what Ilias was doing, she had nearly forgotten about the woman between her legs. Josslyn was painfully aroused, and her hips bucked up in reaction to the caress.

“She’s tonguing your clit,” Ilias told her. As if she wouldn’t know.

Another lick, and Josslyn’s thigh muscles jerked. “Sir, may I come?”

“Not yet.” He released her neck, and Josslyn watched as he sat back and unrolled his silverware. “If you can hold out until I’m done eating, then you can come as many times as you want.”

“If you make her come before he’s finished, I won’t make you serve as my footstool,” Master Geise said to the other sub.

Oh shit. The Doms had pitted them against one another.

The sub’s tongue started circling her clit in a slow, steady rhythm. Double shit. In Josslyn’s experience, other women were by far the most skilled at oral sex because they knew not to do things like make abrupt changes to speed or intensity that might throw off the orgasm.

“Do you think you can hold out?” Ilias asked.

“I’m going to try, Sir.”

She watched as he carefully cut a piece of steak and put it in his mouth.

Eat faster. Argh.

Ilias’s lips twitched. There was something so appealing about seeing this otherwise stern man smile. It gave her this little thrill of accomplishment, as if she were special and able to do something other people weren’t. That was probably a complete lie. Maybe when he wasn’t being a Dom, Ilias was easygoing and quick to smile.

Pressure was building low in her stomach as the other sub kept up soft, relentless circling motions. Josslyn clenched her thigh muscles, trying to combat the orgasm.

Ilias leaned forward and grabbed one leg. “Keep them spread.”

“Yes, Sir.” Josslyn forced her thighs apart.

Ilias took another bite.

She wasn’t going to make it. Any minute now she’d come, no matter how hard she fought the orgasm.

It wasn’t just having her clit licked that would push her over the edge. It was this entire situation.

Lying naked on a table, serving as decor and entertainment.

The pressure and pull of the restraints on her wrists and ankles.

Master Ben’s hand on her breast and throat, touching her because he could, because he had the right to.

“Sir,” Josslyn whispered.

“Yes?” He sat forward, leaning in.

She turned to look at him. “I’m sorry, please don’t be angry.”

His gaze slid down her body then back to her face, his brow furrowed. “Did you come?”