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“I know, Sir. It hurts, but not in a way I can’t handle.”

His response was to kneel beside her and curl one arm around her waist. He put his hand on her back and forced her to rock forward. But this time he reached down with his free hand, grabbed her ankle, and lifted that foot off the floor.

Josslyn gasped, and for a moment it felt like she would fall. She couldn’t fall—her arms were bound above her head, her body perched on the wooden horse, but it felt as if the world spun around her.

“Steady,” he whispered, the reassurance calming her. “Focus on your cunt. What do you feel?”

“Throbbing,” she whispered.


“My pussy lips, my clit.”

“Good. What else?”

“It hurts, too. My pelvic bone. I think I’m bruised.”

“You’re not,” he assured her. “But I understand why it might feel like that.”

Master Ben’s watch beeped.

Josslyn’s eyes slid closed. It was over. Thank God. She didn’t hate this, but she didn’t love it either.

Master Ben lowered her leg to the floor, then shifted away so he wasn’t touching her. She felt a cold spot on her back where his warm hand had been.

“Well done,” he said. “Now we just have four minutes of punishment.”

Josslyn sucked in air. “That was only the five minutes, Sir?”

“Yes.” Master Ben stood on the edge of the light, arms crossed. “Don’t worry, the four-minute timer started automatically. You only have—” He raised his arm. “—three minutes and forty-one seconds left.”

Josslyn whimpered.

Chapter 5

She was okay, until the cramp.

Josslyn’s calf muscle started to vice up, and she reacted by dropping down onto her heels, abruptly jamming her weight onto her sex. She felt the jolt as her pelvic bone met the wood, and yelped.

“Yellow or red, Josslyn?”

“Yellow,” she whispered. “I’m getting a Charlie horse.”

“Which leg?”


Master Ben grabbed her ankle, lifted her foot from the floor, and pressed up on the ball of her foot. The budding muscle cramp released, but with only one foot down, her weight was on her pussy.

“How is it now?”

“Not cramping anymore, Sir.”

He released her foot. Josslyn wanted to push up on her toes but didn’t, not wanting to risk a muscle cramp.

God, her sex ached. It hurt. She loved it. Loved that this was punishment.

There was a firm tug on one pussy lip, and she whimpered, opening her eyes to look down and watch Master Ben test her flesh with a gentle pinch and less gentle pulling.