Page 19 of R is for…

He coated his fingers in her spit and then rubbed the saliva onto her nipples. She sucked in air then let out a soft moan of pleasure as he played with the tips of her magnificent breasts.

He dipped his fingers into her mouth once again, transferring the liquid to her nipples and then stepped back. Josslyn left her mouth open wide, and now her nipples were hard and erect, her areolas crinkled from the chill of being wet.

“Relax your jaw.”

Josslyn partially closed her mouth, making sure not to let her lips touch.


Her shoulder’s relaxed at the praise. Ilias nudged the cushion back into place in front of her


She dropped down carefully, placing her knees at the very edges of the large floor pillow. For a brief moment, her nails dug into her legs, but then she flipped her hands over, palms up.

Ilias stepped close, toes nudging the cushion. He saw her catch and hold her breath even as she opened her mouth wider, anticipating his cock.

“A few final restrictive rules, just to ensure we’re satisfying the game requirements. You are not allowed to use furniture without my explicit permission. However, there are no restrictions on talking. I expect you to communicate with me, and no rule I’ve given you so far, even keeping your mouth accessible for fucking, prevents that.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“However, you may not speak to anyone else without my explicit permission. If someone asks you a question or speaks to you, you wait for me to give you permission before you answer or reply.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Do you understand all the rules?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“No, you’ve said that already. I expect more.”

She paused, then said, “Yes, Sir, I understand all the rules.”

“Are there any you anticipate having a problem with?”

There was another long pause, and he was glad she was thinking about it.

“Keeping my mouth open. I’m going to forget and close it.”

“Try focusing on breathing through your mouth rather than nose, that might help.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

He reached down and stroked her lower lip. Saliva had pooled inside her mouth, and as he pulled on her lip, spit slid down over her chin. He smeared it over her jaw and down her throat. Josslyn made a small noise, unable to mute or hide it with her mouth open.

“Josslyn?” He gripped her neck lightly.

She swallowed before saying, “Yes, Sir?” She obediently opened her mouth after she spoke.

“You disobeyed twice. First, you looked up, then, you put your hands palm-down on your legs.”

She jerked, making another soft little prey noise that had his cock twitching.

“By rights, I could say you disobeyed three times because you also dug your nails into your legs. I don’t think I need to explicitly state you receive both pain and pleasure only when I want you to.”

“I’m sorry, Sir.”

“You will be,” he assured her. “Time for your punishment.”