Page 86 of R is for…

“Tell me the gossip.”

“Not hearsay, as I have direct knowledge.” He raised both brows, wiggled them. “I know what the letter S Doms have planned for tomorrow, and trust me, you’re going to want to see it.”

Chapter 16

The dark-haired man closed the door, leaning back against it.

“Excuse me,” Josslyn said. “You shouldn’t be in here.”

The man said nothing.

“Get out.”

“No, I don’t think I will.” His dark gaze raked her from head to toe.

“I said leave.”

He pushed away from the door, stalking toward her across the bedroom. She held her ground, chin raised. “I said get out.”

She’d let him get too close. The man reached for her, fingers curled to grasp and hold. Josslyn darted to the side, bumping into the wingback chair angled in front of the fireplace.

His hand closed around her upper arm.

She yanked free and ran for the door.

He beat her there, slamming his body weight against it as she tugged on the handle. She gave one more desperate yank, then slowly turned to face him. The man’s expression was stern, almost cruel, and he seemed to radiate danger.

Josslyn’s heart was pounding, her palms sweaty.

The man didn’t move.

She blinked slowly, then released the doorknob and backed up, one measured step at a time.

His lips quirked in a small smile, and then he shrugged out of his suit jacket.

“What are you doing?” Josslyn demanded. “Stop.”

He undid the buttons at each cuff, then undid his tie, leaving it dangling around his neck.

“I said stop.”

“No.” That single word was filled with dark promise.

He stalked forward again, unbuttoning his shirt as he walked, his gaze sliding from her face to her breasts, which were barely covered by the white satin and lace slip she wore.

“Stay back.” She held up one hand, warding him off.

He lunged forward, the move sudden and unexpected after all his slow, deliberate motions. He grabbed the wrist of the arm she held out, his fingers a vice around her.

Josslyn yanked, trying to free herself, but he was too strong. She was leaning back, away from him, so when he pulled, she fell forward, off-balance.

He caught her around the waist, spinning her so her back was against his chest, one arm around her middle, pinning her elbows to her sides.

She felt his breath on her ear and tried to headbutt him. Her temple hit his jaw, and he grunted.

“Don’t fight me.” His voice was full of warning.

“Fuck you,” she snapped.