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He needed to leave, to walk away. That made sense, and maybe that’s what she needed too. She reached up, touching the hand that was holding her by the hair. He released her, his fingers kneading her scalp before pulling away. He sat back, finally looking away.

“We’re out of the scene, Ilias.” She wanted to touch him, maybe just a hand on his shoulder, but instead she pulled the blanket tight around herself, holding the edges and crossing her arms on her stomach.

He nodded once. “Good.”

Ilias pushed to his feet, and Josslyn closed her eyes so she wouldn’t have to watch him walk away.

Hands grabbed her shoulders, jerking her to her feet.

Josslyn’s eyes flew open as Ilias wrapped his arms around her, one at her waist, the other behind her shoulders.

He bent his head and kissed her.

Chapter 15

It was time to stop pretending that what he had with this woman wasn’t special. Maybe it was chemistry. Maybe it was coincidental alignment—they were each exactly what the other person needed right now.

Either way, what he felt for Josslyn was both more and different from what he’d felt for any other sub.

But he was a careful man, a by-the-book man, which is why he’d made sure that when he kissed her, it was going to be Ilias kissing Josslyn, not Master Bennani.

After a startled moment, her mouth opened under his, and he swept his tongue in, finally tasting her.

He’d had his cock in this sweet mouth multiple times, but that pleasure was nothing compared to what it felt like to kiss her.

She wiggled, probably trying to free her arms. He squeezed her, just because he could, then released his tight hold, gripping her hips. She pulled her arms free, twining them around his neck.

“Ilias,” she whispered when he pulled back to breathe.


“Kiss me again.”

“My pleasure.”

He sealed his mouth over hers, sweeping his tongue into her mouth in long, slow strokes. Then he sucked her lower lip, nipping it gently. She moaned and arched against him. The blanket had fallen, his hands on her hips holding it in place on her lower body.

He released it, letting the blanket fall around their feet.

“Ilias, if this isn’t going where I think it’s going…”

“I want to have sex with you.”

“Great. Excellent. We’re on the same page. Are you emotionally attached to this shirt?”

“What? No…”

She gripped the edges of his button-down and yanked. Buttons flew.

“Impressive,” he said.

She yanked the tails out of his slacks. “Help or shut up.”


She froze, head bowed, tension radiating off her.

“I like it,” he finished, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Sometimes,” he amended.