Page 70 of R is for…

“Do you feel that I am either unaware of that fact, or incapable of handling both aspects?”

Julen’s lips quirked in a mocking smile. “No, counselor.”

Ilias narrowed his eyes. “Don’t be a dick.”

“I’m not being a dick, you’re a dick.”

Josslyn choked off a laugh, and Ilias stroked the curve of her ear. He felt her shiver in reaction to the light touch. She might also be cold, though large heat lamps kept the ambient temperature in the courtyard warm enough for naked people.

“Really?” he asked Julen.

“Yea, that was stupid. And sorry about mentioning vanilla world stuff.”

Ilias nodded in acknowledgment of the apology. “I know what will make you feel better.”

“What?” Julen asked with suspicion.

“Tying up some pretty women.”

Julen sighed. “You’re right, that does usually make me feel better.”

Ilias clapped his friend on the shoulder. “That’s the spirit.”

Julen snorted with amusement, shaking his head. “Okay, help me get the tables in place.”

Ilias and Julen moved three sturdy tables onto the stage. He looked over at Tareq, assuming the other man would help, but now Tareq had one hand buried between his sub’s thighs, and she was either just about to come or actually mid-orgasm.

Ilias caught his friend’s gaze. “Are you going to help?” he asked in Darija.

Tareq’s response was to shake his head while smiling, as Nomiki moaned in pleasure.

Together, he and Julen finished prepping the scene, putting soft blankets on the tables both to make it more comfortable for the subs to sit and to allow them to grab the blankets to slide the subs around if needed. They double-checked the lengths on various rope bundles, setting the correct number of bundles needed for each woman under their respective tables.

Julen passed out rescue hooks. Tareq—who’d finally stopped playing with Nomiki, slid the strap over his head. The rescue hooks were actually rock-climbing equipment, with a sharp blade embedded in the inside curve of the hook. They could slice through rope with one good tug.

“Who are we tying first?” Tareq asked.

Julen looked to Ilias. “Are you comfortable doing your sub’s chest harness?”


“Okay, then I’ll start with Nomi,” Julen said, using the sub’s nickname. “She can stay up the longest.”

Tareq turned to his sub, who was perched on the stool he’d vacated. He crooked a finger and she slid off the stool with a smile, stepping up onto the stage. Tareq stripped her out of the long, fluff-edged robe she wore and helped her sit on the table.

Ilias watched for a moment as Julen started to wrap the chest harness, Tareq occasionally getting in the way when he reached out and toyed with Nomiki’s nipples.

Ilias looked down at Josslyn. Tareq had an easygoing manner Ilias envied. Tareq made friends easily and often. He was able to be casual and friendly with his subs.

Ilias didn’t know how to be that way. The closest he’d ever come was the conversation he had with Josslyn yesterday.

He walked to where Josslyn still knelt and held out his hand. Silently she put her fingers in his and he pulled her to her feet. She swayed for a moment, then shook out her legs.

“You’ll be sitting for a bit,” he assured her.

“Thank you, Sir.”

He led her to the table. She hopped up to sit on it, feet dangling. Ilias picked up one of the bundles of rope and unwound it, carefully finding the center point.