Page 69 of R is for…

Ilias took a deep breath. “Josslyn, be sure you’re ready to continue.”

“I am, Sir.” She arched her back, breasts and nipples breaking the surface of the water. “Please use me, Sir.”

Ilias smiled.

Chapter 13

Julen Morton crossed his arms. “Ropes can make subs feel secure, or vulnerable.”

“I’m aware of that, but it’s not an either-or situation,” Ilias retorted.

“Your sub is practically a rope novice.”

“No, she’s not.” Ilias marshaled his patience. “She’s not experienced by your standards, but she’s not a novice.” He reached down, putting his hand on Josslyn’s head. She leaned into his touch.

Julen glanced at Josslyn, kneeling at Ilias’s feet. She was naked, legs spread, eyes down, palms up on her thighs. Her hair was pulled back into a tight, high ponytail. That in turn had been twisted into a bun secured with a forked wooden hair accessory.

He’d sent her to take a shower after her cool-down bath. Though it had turned into more than just a soak in lukewarm water. He’d washed her intimately with a sensitive skin soap and a soft washcloth, then forced her to sit on the side of the tub, legs drawn up and spread so he could examine her pussy and ass. The exam had served two purposes. It allowed him to make sure she hadn’t been rubbed raw by the rubber, and reminded her that he could, and would, touch and examine her whenever and however he pleased.

Before sending her to shower, he’d told Josslyn what he wanted, and she’d disappeared into the Subs’ Garden for forty minutes, reappearing clean and dry with her hair pulled up the way he’d asked.

After that, he’d taken her to dinner. They had a large meal since they were both hungry, this time with her seated across from him, all the rules except nakedness on hold. Afterward, they toured the various courtyards and public spaces, watching the scenes in progress and guessing at the letters. When he’d found a free chair, he’d taken a seat, pulled Josslyn into his lap, spread her legs, and fingered her to orgasm.

She’d been shocked, and clearly thrilled, by that development.

Now it was time for ropes.

He’d been planning this scene with Julen and Tareq since they first gathered to drink beer in the parking lot. Though rope was Ilias’s checklist item, Julen was both a rope expert and a connoisseur.

The fact that Julen was assigned to the letter S, and yet “shibari” wasn’t on his list had irritated Julen to no end from the first moment they got their assignments. Despite that, the other Dom had declared he was willing to lend his expertise and supervise this multi-person scene.

But now, Julen was second-guessing Ilias’s plan for Josslyn. The implication that he didn’t know what his sub needed, or could handle, was starting to seriously piss Ilias off. Julen was his friend, and Ilias had a feeling that Julen wouldn’t have pulled this bullshit with anyone else, but something was going on with Julen, and he was being pissy.

Ilias was too responsible to dismiss Julen’s concerns without addressing them, but without compelling evidence that he needed to change something, Ilias wasn’t going to allow Julen’s pissy mood, and questioning, to derail his plan.

He would never do something to hurt Josslyn, but he also wouldn’t do her a disservice by giving her less than she needed.

Julen was still looking at Josslyn. There was an odd expression on his face. Envy? Ilias looked to the sub Julen would be tying for this scene. She was neither naked, nor kneeling.

Ilias glanced back over his shoulder to where Tareq waited with his sub, Nomiki. Nomiki was an experienced rope bottom. Tareq and Julen had easily agreed on how Nomiki would be bound, so Tareq had taken her off to the side of the small stage and was now idly playing with her tits as Nomiki arched up into his hands.

Yesterday, Ilias had come up with a general idea for a rope scene that he thought would exemplify rope play. After all, that was the point of the game, to experience each of the checklist items fully and in some cases showcase them to the rest of the club.

Rope, in particular, was almost its own community and culture. Sometimes rope was used as the bondage element in a larger scene, but sometimes rope was its own goal. True rope connoisseurs enjoyed things like rope dresses or harnesses that applied pressure to the sub’s body but didn’t restrict movement. Suspension rope was, again, its own thing, with its own nuances.

By default, suspension ropes put the sub in a vulnerable position, as in order to safely be suspended, they needed to be securely wrapped. But again, there were facets to suspension rope play. Many people who enjoyed suspension used it in an almost therapeutic manner because the physical pressure of the rope, combined with aerial suspension, was calming. He’d heard it compared to use of a weighted blanket in a hammock, both secure and free. Those people often wore workout gear, or at least underwear, beneath the ropes, because there wasn’t necessarily a sexual aspect to the play.

Even before he’d met Josslyn, Ilias had intended that his sub would go into the ropes naked. Now he wanted to ensure that not only would she be naked, but he’d have the option to make adjustments to her position so he could both expose her and play with her.

The only problem was Julen, who, again, was in a pissy mood and questioning Ilias.

“Do you think my plan is putting my sub in danger, either physically or emotionally?” Ilias asked, putting some steel behind his words.

Julen jerked his gaze away from Josslyn. “No.”

“Do you have information that I don’t have, that would influence my plan?” Ilias continued.

“Only that combining both facets of rope play into one scene can be too intense.”