Page 61 of R is for…

Josslyn held back a moan.

“You need to know what it feels like to have me control every inch of your body. Because this suit? It’s me. An extension of my control, my dominance over you. Do you understand?”

At that, the muffled feeling morphed into something else. Instead of the suit disconnecting her from the world, it connected her to him.

Josslyn relaxed. Had she been naked, she would have gone limp, boneless with acceptance and submission. The suit held her too tight for that, but her fingers—which she’d curled into fists, pressing her nails along the sides of her thumbs—relaxed, as did her jaw muscles.

He made a soft sound of pleasure, then leaned down to kiss her head. “Good girl.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

He gripped her wrists and pulled her into a sitting position. If he hadn’t put an arm around her, she would have fallen back, unable to sit up comfortably, thanks to the tightness of the suit at her hips.

“Now it’s time to take you out so everyone else can appreciate what a pretty little doll you are.”

Chapter 11

“That’s brilliant,” a male voice said. “You could fuck her with anything.”

“I could,” Master Ben agreed.

Josslyn pressed her ass back toward them, offering herself on the hope one of them would fuck her. Either hole. Any hole. As long as she was penetrated.

“And there’s a ridge built into it, so that she has constant stimulation on her clit.” Master Bennani pressed two fingers against her pussy and wiggled them side to side, causing the bump inside the suit to shift back and forth over her clit.

Josslyn gasped, drool sliding from her mouth.

“Amazing. I’m sold. I hope whomever you bought this from is paying you commission.”

Master Bennani didn’t laugh, but when he spoke, she could hear the smile in his voice. “No. And they should be, given how much I spent both on the suit and the overnight courier service.”

“How long have you had her in it?” the other man asked.

“Just half an hour. I don’t want her to overheat, so I’ll be taking her inside soon.”

Embarrassment pricked Josslyn, because those words could have been used to talk about a dog…or a doll. The embarrassment mixed with arousal and submission and helplessness.

She tried to swallow, but more spit slid from her mouth.

Before they left the playroom, Master Bennani had put the latex socks on her feet, attaching them to the cuffs of the suit. He said he’d done it to protect her feet, though many subs went barefoot in the club. The stone and tile flooring were kept meticulously swept, and the sandy-dirt paths that linked buildings hardpacked and easy to walk on. Still, in her case, the rubbery socks provided a little bit of cushion for her feet.

The hand that reached under her and grabbed one breast took her by surprise, since she couldn’t see anything happening behind her, even with her peripheral vision.

“A shame you don’t have access to her nipples.”

“It is, though I think any sort of removable element would minimize the compression in the upper chest area.”

“True.” The other man gave her breast one quick squeeze, his thumb rubbing over the tip, probably searching for her nipple.

He was touching her with enough pressure that she felt it, and once more pressed herself back.

“Gentle with your neck,” Master Bennani scolded.

Josslyn relaxed, shifting forward so the base of her skull wasn’t jammed against the wooden planks of the stocks.

Half an hour ago—though she would have sworn it was longer—Master Bennani had brought her to the constellation courtyard.

When she saw where they were headed—a set of dark wooden stocks with two small holes for wrists and a large one for the neck, Josslyn had quietly warned Master Bennani that she didn’t think she’d be able to bend over enough. The stocks forced a sub to bend at a 90 degree angle at the hips. That was actually slightly easier on the body then only bending forward a little.