Page 45 of R is for…

At that, he laughed, some of the dark tension leaving him.

“Rape fantasy play would probably involve me saying something like ‘stop’ or ‘no’ and you’d have to ignore it.”


Josslyn cleared her throat. “But…‘stop’ and ‘no’ aren’t my safewords.”


“If we do rape fantasy as part of a BDSM scene, would the rape aspect of it trump safeword and stoplight method protocols?”

“Never,” he said vehemently.

“Okay, so then we agree that it would be consensual non-consent.”

“That is such an oxymoron.”

“No, it’s not. I consent to this nonconsensual form of play.”

“I…” Ilias shook his head. “The fact that I didn’t immediately mark ‘rape fantasy’ as a hard no, that I’m willing to try, is probably a red flag.”

“Excuse me, are you kink shaming right now?”

“I’m not kink shaming.”

“It feels like kink shaming.”

“Josslyn, I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Okay, I’m going to say something, and I don’t mean to be mean.”

“But?” He raised one brow.

“Objectively, you do enjoy hurting me.”

He winced and dropped his head into his hands. Josslyn patted his back.

“And that’s not a bad thing,” she said. “Because I enjoy being hurt.”

“Yes, but enjoying the physical sensation of pain is a lot less problematic than enjoying hurting someone.”

“I’m sensing a lot of self-loathing in what you’re saying.”

He raised his head and glanced at her. “You a therapist?”

“God no. I’m probably making this worse, honestly. However, that will not stop me.”

Ilias let out a helpless laugh. He should have known this conversation wouldn’t go the way he expected.

“I’m a masochist. You are a sadist. Those two things go together.”

“True, but one of them is also an indication of psychopathy.”

“Do you feel the urge to kidnap women, lock them in your basement, and scene with them sans-consent?”


“Then you’re not a psychopath.” Josslyn raised a brow. “Or if you are a psychopath, I’m one too.”