Page 36 of R is for…

His first name was Ilias. It suited him far more than “Ben,” though now she wondered where Ben came from. Was that his last name?

“Are you smiling?” Ilias’s voice was stern, and she wished she could see his expression.

“Yes, Sir.”



“Josslyn.” A rebuke.

Her smile faded and she double-checked that she was in the perfect position. Legs spread, arms at her sides, palms forward, chin up, eyes down, mouth open.

“I asked you a question.”

“I was smiling because I was looking forward to what I think is coming next. I’m sorry, Sir. I shouldn’t have made any assumptions.”

“Making assumptions is a bad idea,” he agreed. Then he did something unexpected. Ilias leaned in, his lips almost brushing her ear. “I like seeing you smile.”

It took all of her self-control not to look up. She was desperate to see his expression.

“Peter,” Ilias said to the other Dom, “would you mind if I laid my sub out on the table?”

“Not at all.”

The Doms rearranged their plates, pulling them to the edge. Ilias gripped her by the waist, guiding her until her butt pressed against the edge of the table.

“Up on the table, please.”

Josslyn gingerly hopped up onto the table, re-spreading her legs once she was seated. Ilias grabbed her knees, holding them.

“Lie back.”

Josslyn lowered herself, at first trying to just use her core muscles, but then reaching behind her with both hands to brace herself. Once her back hit the wood, she carefully stretched out her arms making sure her palms were up. She could feel the edge of Master Ben’s plate against her forearm.

“Peter, do you have any extra rope or chain with you?”

“My kit is in the corner, let me get some.”

Josslyn focused on her breathing, keeping it slow and even as she waited for whatever bondage she was about to receive.

Lying on her back, she couldn’t exactly keep her gaze down, so she settled on half closing her eyes and looking down at her body. This also meant she was looking at Ilias as he stood between her spread legs, holding her knees.

It might be disobedient, but right now she didn’t care. She took advantage of the moment to look at him.

He wasn’t handsome by conventional standards. Maybe it was that the word “handsome” seemed too mild to describe him. He was striking and dynamic and dangerous.

Her lips twitched as she realized she’d used two “D” words to describe him.

“Something amusing?” he asked.

“I was just thinking that you are dynamic and dangerous.”

It took him a moment, but then he chuckled softly. “You think I’m dynamic? Actually, that’s the less interesting one. Tell me why you think I’m dangerous.”

Josslyn raised one hand and gestured at her naked body laid out on the table in the middle of a full dining room.

Much to her delight, Ilias chuckled.