Page 35 of R is for…

Josslyn jerked, her chest rising and falling with rapid breaths.

“A pussy spanking?” Peter asked.

Peter’s sub returned. A plate rested on the tray, and she had a white-knuckled grip on the sides. There was slack in the nipple chains, so the weight definitely wasn’t pulling on them, but the screw clamps were on tight.

“Here you are, Sir.” The sub carefully took the plate off the tray with one hand and set it in front of him.

“Arms up,” Peter said casually.

The sub made a sad little noise, then lifted her arms, the weight of the tray on her nipples.

“Stand up, Josslyn,” Ilias said.

Shakily, she rose to her feet, chin up, eyes almost closed in an effort to keep her gaze down. She stood with her feet wide apart, arms at her sides, but not relaxed.

Ilias reached between her legs and fondled her labia. “I suggest a pussy spanking because after riding the horse, she’s sore here, aren’t you?” He tugged her pussy lips.

“Y-yes, Sir.”

“Spanking an already sore pussy is certainly a nice punishment.” Peter casually removed the clamps from his sub’s nipples. Her short scream had heads turning.

Ilias wondered what was going on between Peter and his sub because something about their dynamic felt…off.

Ilias hooked an arm around Josslyn, pulling her over to perch on his knee. She spread her legs, and he slapped her pussy once. Josslyn jerked and turned her face to him, pressing her cheek against his hair. She was seeking comfort, maybe protection, from him.

It was unexpected and hit him harder than it should have.

He cupped her pussy, palming it, and running his middle finger between her labia while avoiding her clit.

“But I’m afraid I can’t let you spank my sub’s pussy,” Ilias said.

Josslyn went limp with relief.

“She’s restricted from speaking to anyone without my express permission.”

“Ah,” Peter said. “In that case, she was very obedient.”

“She is,” Ilias agreed. “And she would have accepted the pussy spanking punishment, even knowing she didn’t deserve it.” He petted the inside of Josslyn’s thigh. “Wouldn’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.”


“Because…because if you let someone touch me, it’s because you want them to touch me, Sir.”

Ilias kissed her shoulder. It was right there, in front of his face, and kissing her bare skin seemed like the most natural thing in the world.

He realized what he’d done and froze, lips still on her. He’d kissed her head earlier, but that was something he did with lots of subs. An action that implied approval and caring, both of which subs needed. Kissing her shoulder was arguably not that intimate, but it felt intimate.

He needed to get this back on track. Ilias looked at Peter. “Are you doing sexual service as part of S?”

“It’s on the list. You want her on her knees under the table?” Peter nodded to his own sub.

An odd expression crossed the sub’s face.

“No,” Ilias said, “but I would like her to perform oral sex on my sub.”

If Josslyn were smart, she’d hide her smile, but as Master Ben eased her off his lap, she was grinning.