Page 22 of R is for…

“I know you do. And that’s why you’re going to mount the wooden horse and accept your punishment on this very pretty place.” He patted her pussy. “Now answer my question. What do you know about riding the horse?”

“It forces the submissive to rest their bodyweight on their crotch. Sometimes they have to stand up on their toes, and when their legs get tired, they take all their weight onto their pelvic bone. Sometimes their feet aren’t on the floor at all.”

“Anything else?”

Shit, what had she missed? “I’m sorry, Sir. That’s all I really know.”

“That’s fine, I was merely asking. You’re right.”

His hand on her back guided her forward, until she was standing beside the horse. He touched the horizontal top piece, which looked like a three by six, turned on its side, portrait rather than landscape orientation.

“As you can see, this wood has been sanded smooth, and sealed. There is no risk of splinters, even if you wiggle around.” Master Ben ran his palm along the narrow, flat top of the horse. “It’s also not too thin. This is just under three inches wide. An introductory model.”

“Thinner is…harder, Sir?”

“The thinner the wood, the more concentrated the pressure. Usually thinner ones, two inches and under, are also specifically made to be used with the sub’s outer labia spread on either side of the wood. Often the sub’s feet are pulled up behind them, forcing them to lean forward, and bear their body weight on their clit.”

Josslyn couldn’t stop the little noise of fear and need.

Master Ben gripped her by the neck, just a firm hold that helped her calm down. She let her chin rest on his hand, eyes slipping closed for a moment.

“You’ll spend nine minutes on the horse,” he said. “The first five aren’t punishment. They’re so you can experience riding the horse, as it’s one of our checklist items. We’ll test things out, try a few variations. After that, you’ll spend four minutes in punishment, two for each infraction.”

“Thank you, Sir.” There was nothing else to say.

“Swing your leg over.”

Josslyn shifted closer to the wooden horse, then hooked one leg over. She tried not to use her hands, the way she had when she stood up, but ended up grabbing the wood, which was cool and smooth under her palms.

Her feet were almost, but not fully, flat on the floor. If she put her heels down, her pussy was jammed down on the wood. If she went up on the balls of her feet, there was no pressure on her cunt.

Nine minutes, which hadn’t seemed like much a moment ago, was actually a very long time.

The metal lattice above her head shifted, making shadows dance, as Master Ben threaded some rope through the grid.


She held out her arms, palms up, and he fastened two heavily padded suspension cuffs around her wrists. They had quick-release pins on the sides and lightly compressed her wrists and lower forearms. He threaded the ends of the rope through the D-rings on the cuffs and then looped the rope back through the grid above her.

He pulled on the tails of the rope, and her arms rose. He kept pulling, stretching her arms up until there was no slack in the rope, and no bend in her elbows.

“Heels down.”

She gingerly sank down, her pussy on the wood, her arms stretched to the point she felt the pull in her shoulder and triceps muscles.

Master Ben checked her wrists, then adjusted the ropes, loosening them just enough that her upper arms weren’t so tight to the sides of her head that sounds were muffled.

“Relax,” he said when he was done with the ropes.

Relaxing actually meant popping up onto the balls of her feet, which took the pressure off her sex and gave her some flexibility with her arms.

Master Ben tapped his watch. “The five minutes start now.” Then he crouched by her left leg and examined her pussy. He pinched and tugged on her labia, as if testing her, then gently spread her, one finger tapping her clit.

Josslyn jerked in reaction to the intimate touch.

“This is the problem with overhead lights,” Master Ben said, almost to himself as he straightened. “Feel free to experiment with different positions and angles.”

He disappeared into the darkness.