Page 21 of R is for…

They stopped five feet from the wooden horse, on the edge of the light.

Out of the corner of her eye, Josslyn saw him reach for her, his hand low, and realized she had her ankles together. She quickly widened her stance.

Master Ben grunted in what she hoped was approval, his hand sliding between her legs. She’d done what he said, made sure her legs were spread so wide the sides of his hand didn’t touch her thighs. He gave her sex a companionable pat. She jolted, even that simple touch sending pleasure shooting through her.

“Have you ridden the horse before?” Master Ben asked.

She thought about making a joke. Saying she’d ridden actual horses, but the words wouldn’t come. She was sinking deeper into her submission with each breath she took, with each new way he assumed control of her body.

“No, Sir.”

“Ah. That changes things a bit.”

“May I ask why, Sir?”

He moved forward and crouched, making adjustments to the height of the upper crosspiece. Now that she was closer, she could see that there were small metal feet on the bottom of each leg of the A-frame structure. He adjusted the feet, screwing them in to lower the height of the horse.

“I’ve found that the first time a sub experiences something, they have one of two reactions. They either panic early, before they’ve even fully endured. Or they try and hold on. They try to prove something either to themselves or their Dom.” He rose and went to the back legs. “I suspect you’ll be the latter.”

“You’re making it lower so it will be easier, Sir?”

“Easier, but not easy. Tell me, what do you know about riding the horse?”

“Ah,” Josslyn said, putting it together. “This is one of our items? Riding the horse?”

“It is. And it’s an excellent punishment, that is truly punishment.” He rose.

Josslyn looked at the horse, assessing, but it wasn’t noticeably lower.

“I asked you a question, Josslyn. You don’t want me to add time to your punishment.”

She flinched. “I’m sorry, Sir.” The panic at having messed up had less to do with extending the punishment than it did with her distress at failing to follow his orders. At disappointing him.

His hand touched her cheek. “Deep breath. You sound like you’re near tears.”

She nodded, throat tight.

“Afraid?” he asked.

“No, Sir. I messed up. I don’t want you to be disappointed in me.”

“Ah.” He bent, meeting her gaze.

Josslyn looked down, staring at her own naked breasts.

“Look at me,” he commanded.

Josslyn tentatively obeyed. Part of her foolishly hoped to see a smile, or a soft emotion. Master Ben’s expression was all Dom. Stern and cool, neither happy nor angry.

“You haven’t disappointed me. It sounds like you’re in a different headspace now than you were even five minutes ago, and I’m letting you know that I understand and acknowledge that.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

He straightened, and she couldn’t see his face anymore, not unless she raised her gaze, which she wouldn’t do.

“You don’t need to worry about disappointing me. I won’t let that happen. If I’m disappointed, it’s a sign I didn’t help you, guide you, to submit in a way that would please me.”

“I do want to please you, Sir.”