His question caught me off guard, but I forced my features to remain impassive. “I’m on it,” I retorted. “You gave me four days.”

Hank scoffed, shifting his gaze back to the bull riders as one of them was thrown off. “Patience isn’t my virtue, Declan. And I don’t offer second chances.”

I clenched my fists, feeling the pressure of his words. I needed his intel, the name that could put an end to a lifelong vendetta. I was here to get it, even if it meant playing by his rules. So, I stood there, silent, bracing myself for the road ahead.

“Do we understand each other?” he growled, his voice a threatening whisper.

“I understand,” I responded, my voice just as low, resolve fortifying my words.

He glanced at me then, his gaze hard to read in the dim light. “Remember, I’m the one with the information you want,” he reminded, tapping his temple. In my mind’s eye, I saw my blade piercing his skin.

A wordless threat lingered between us. As I watched the reckless riders, my mind filled with doubt. Was this revenge really worth it?

“I’ve been digging into your past,” Hank said, his words breaking my train of thought.

“Oh?” I responded, my voice steady.

“You turned into a real hellion after your mom died. I get it. Your pa died when you were twelve. Your mom turned into a whore and died just three years later. You beat your foster parents, skipped school, joined a gang at fifteen.”

My blood boiled. “I’ll put up with a lot, Hank, but don’t you fucking talk about my mother.”

He threw his hands up in mock surrender. “I’m just saying. You’ve had a hard life, boy.”

I acknowledged with a nod. “I did what I had to do. Survival.”

A smirk spread across Hank’s face. “I noticed something while looking at your record, Declan.”

“What?” I asked, my voice sharp.

His grin expanded, exposing a row of discolored teeth. “You’ve always had issues with authority, Declan. Never the one to kneel before those who’d step over you.”

“I don’t kneel,” I shot back, holding his gaze.

His features tightened, his eyes squinting. “That’s the rule of life, Declan. To survive, you have to recognize when to relent and when to fight back. You need to understand who’s above you and who’s below.”

“I didn’t sign up for your pecking order, Hank. I was clear on that from the start.”

His stare didn’t waver. I could feel the heat rolling off of him as he moved closer, his cronies in tow. “That’s why you’ll fail,” he stated, his voice chillingly cold. His disdain was like a slap to my face, inciting my anger.

“I won’t fail,” I retaliated, my rage barely controlled.

He smirked. “You already have. You’ve failed to deliver a head. There’s plenty of people in this town that’ll do. Take your pick. Take your kill. Show me you can do what needs to be done.”

I felt my body tense, my hands quivering slightly. I was on a tightrope; one misstep could spell the end. Taking a deep breath, I voiced the risky promise: “I’ll deliver.”

He looked taken aback by my tone, but I wasn’t backing down. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I added, “You want me to prove myself? I’llmorethan deliver. But remember this, Hank—you might wish you hadn’t asked.”

Hank’s gaze hardened, his lips tightening. “Watch your tone,” he warned, a threat lacing in his words.

I nodded without looking into his eyes. “And while we’re at it, Hank,” I said, turning to leave, “stop digging around in my past. It’s irrelevant.”

Hank let out a wheezing laugh. “Your past is the whole reason you’re here, boy.”

I ignored him and disappeared into the crowd, feeling the weight of his stare on my back. Anxiety gnawed at my insides, a familiar dread from days long past.

A quick survey of the busy rodeo grounds led my gaze to a solitary figure, firmly backed against a weathered arena pillar. I knew it was Avery,mywildflower’s spitfire sister. She stood out, nervously glancing around as she waited her turn for the chute. It was easy to guess who she was because there weren’t many women here willing to get on the back of a bull.

Her gaze, fervid and unwavering, met mine as I approached, halting just a few feet away.