Getting Clover tied up was a struggle. She was a fiery thing, her spirit unwavering even in the face of destruction. We’d had a pleasant meal, but I knew she was already planning her escape.

The moment she caught sight of the rope, her survival instincts kicked in. Her fists flew out, nails scratching my arms, her legs kicking out to try to fend me off.

“Calm down, Wildflower,” I told her, my voice steady despite the chaos unfolding around us. She didn’t seem to hear me, or if she did, she didn’t care. Her fear fueled her, made her fight harder.

I had to use my weight to pin her down, holding her struggling form against the mattress. My knees pressed into the bed on either side of her, effectively trapping her. There was a wild look in her eyes, like a cornered animal. But she was more beautiful in that moment than I had ever seen her before, her cheeks flushed and eyes sparkling with defiance.

The proximity was difficult to ignore. Her writhing body under mine, the way her breasts pressed against my chest as she fought, the way her scent enveloped me. I felt a familiar stirring, a primal reaction that I did my best to suppress. It wasn’t the time for that, not when she was scared and fighting.

Despite the situation, I couldn’t ignore the jolt of desire that shot through me. The way her body felt against mine was electric. Her struggling form underneath me was an irresistible temptation.

“Stop squirming, Clover,” I grunted, struggling to keep my voice level, the strain evident. I could feel my self-control slipping, and I needed her to stop moving.

It took all my willpower to shift my focus back to the task at hand. With considerable effort, I managed to secure her wrists with the rope, pulling it tight enough to prevent her escape but not enough to cut off circulation. As I worked, I tried my best to ignore the softness of her skin under my fingertips, the way her breath hitched when the rope bit into her flesh.

The struggle was over soon enough, with Clover tied up and me panting from the exertion. Despite the mad rush of adrenaline, I felt a twinge of regret for having to be so rough with her. But this was necessary. She needed to understand that I wouldn’t let her go, that she was mine to protect.

She looked up at me, her chest heaving, the ropes contrasting sharply against her fair skin. She was breathtakingly beautiful, even with her eyes wide with terror and confusion. My cock twitched at the sight of her, a reaction I quickly squashed.

This wasn’t about desire, I reminded myself. This was about keeping her safe, even if she didn’t understand. But damn, if she didn’t look irresistible all tied up and vulnerable. It was a sight that would haunt me, I was sure, but right now, I had other matters to attend to. I needed to step out and attend to business, leaving her here where she was safe and secure.

Safe and secure under my watch. And under my ropes.

Clover’s panicked eyes were wide open, shimmering with unshed tears as she looked up at me, bound and helpless on my bed. I didn’t take pleasure in her fear, but there was something oddly . . . satisfying in the way she looked, restrained and vulnerable.

“Why do I have to be tied up, Declan?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes pleading.

Her hair was a wild mess on the pillow. “I have business to take care of,” I replied, my voice steady and impassive as I pulled the final knot tight. “I can’t risk you leaving.”

She flinched, sucking in a sharp breath as the reality of her situation set in. “You can’t keep me here like this, Declan!” she protested, her voice laced with fear and confusion.

“I can, Clover, and I will,” I stated flatly, my stare never leaving hers. There was a mad rush of adrenaline surging through me, a chilling excitement. The sight of her, so utterly terrified yet stunningly beautiful, set off a spark within me.

It was better this way. The more I thought about it, the more convinced I was. This was the only way I could ensure she was safe, the only way I could guarantee that she wouldn’t run off and get herself into more trouble. The outside world was full of predators, and I wouldn’t allow her to fall victim again.

“I can’t trust that you won’t try to escape, Wildflower,” I confessed, my voice soft, almost regretful. “And I can’t risk losing you.”

Her eyes widened at my admission, the confusion evident on her face. “But I . . .”

I silenced her with a firm look. “No buts, Clover. It’s for your own safety. Trust me.”

“But . . . you’re scaring me, Declan . . . ,” she murmured, her eyes filling with tears. Her vulnerability stirred something within me, a tumultuous blend of protectiveness and possession.

“You have nothing to fear from me, Wildflower,” I reassured her, moving to sit at the foot of the bed, close enough to keep an eye on her but far enough to give her space. “You’re safe here.”

“Safe? You’ve tied me up!” she cried, her voice choked with fear. She was desperate, struggling to make sense of the madness unfolding around her.

“Yes, and I won’t apologize for it,” I replied simply. “You’ll understand someday, Clover. But for now, you need to stay here. For your own safety.”

I stood up then, moving toward the door, casting one final glance back at her. I knew she was scared. I knew she didn’t understand. But she didn’t need to. Not now.

Her safety was paramount, and I would do anything to ensure it. I had crossed a line tonight, a line I could never walk back from. But I didn’t regret it.

As I left the room, Clover’s hysterical cries hit me, pulling at something deep within me. A part of me hated to see her in such a state, but the larger part, the part that was cold and ruthless, was satisfied. Because I knew, with absolute certainty, that while she was here, tied up in my bed, she was safe.

* * *

I sauntered into the Dust Devils’ compound, six heads heavier than when I left. The desert sun had hardened the blood on the burlap sacks I carried, a metallic scent wafting from them with each step. A sly grin crept across my face, the thrill of the hunt still lingering.