Samantha golf claps and smiles approvingly. “You get bonus points for appropriate names and that you named female ones first, not dick, right ball, left ball.” The guys laugh along with her. “And yes, the clitoris—which remember, is located at the top of the vulva” she says, reminding them of her anatomy slide from earlier, “the nipples, and the cervix. Though that last one is a your-mileage-may-vary experience. Some women love for you to bang it like a drum, while others are going to punt you across the room if you bump it too hard. So, what do we do?” she prompts.

“Ask what they like—before, during, and after,” Stephen answers, quoting Samantha’s advice. He’s been listening closely, respectfully taking notes and even taking pictures of some of Samantha’s slides for later reference. I’m glad to see him coming out of his shell a little bit, even speaking up, given his usually quiet nature.

“Exactly,” Samantha praises, and Stephen beams back at her. “Can you name three more?” she asks him.

Pink flushes his cheeks, but he complies. “Uhm, ears, mouth, and neck?”

“Yes!” She pumps her fist like he won the national spelling bee with a seven-syllable trick word. “More. Who else?”

The guys are calling out body parts like it’s an auction.

“Hands and feet!”

“Back of knees!”

“Head. Stomach!”

“Good, good. Those are true for everyone. Now, what about male specific?” she asks.

“Dick, right ball, left ball,” Anthony answers wryly, quoting her earlier statement and showing that he’s at least paying attention.

She nods at him. “Anywhere else?”

He swallows but reluctantly adds, “Asshole, prostate.”

“Yes!” Samantha shouts, sounding nearly orgasmic herself. Or at least it would sound orgasmic if I hadn’t actually heard her sounds personally.

Anthony grins and asks her, “Like those, do you?”

Smiling, Samantha answers, “The point is that people like them. Don’t go tab A, slot B, and assume it’ll be good. There’s an entire body in front of you—both yours and your partner’s—so play around. Lick, touch, kiss, bite, suck it all over. It’s the only way to figure out where you and your partner enjoy attention.” She clicks the slide to one showing the entire human body with arrows up and down the figure to note erogenous zones, and two pull-outs to the side showing male and female anatomy points of interest. “Take notes—write it down, take a picture, or whatever. You’ll thank me later.”

She steps aside, giving the guys a moment, and I’m surprised to see even the ones who’ve been a little reluctant to participate grab their phones to snap a quick picture for reference.

“Good. Now let’s discuss oral sex—cunnilingus and fellatio,” she says, glancing at her watch. “And then we’ll move on to actual intercourse, including vaginal and anal.”

I swear to fuck, I’m going to come in my slacks if she keeps talking like this. It’s all professional and educational, but I’m not the only man shifting around.

An hour later, I’ve basically taken to standing with my hands over my crotch and thinking about multiplication tables beyond one thousand to keep my dick from noticeably twitching. Every time Samantha says penetration, I want to throw her to the ground and penetrate her—mouth, pussy, and ass. Whatever she wants, wherever she’ll take me.

“Remember, there’s this whole mystique about anal sex, but it’s really not that big of a deal. It’s an orifice, just like any others, and we all have one, so there’s no need for it to be this magical thing. If you or your partner like it, giving or receiving, that’s fine and understandable. There are loads of nerve endings, and for men, the prostate’s there, so stimulation is naturally pleasurable. But if you or your partner don’t like it at all or only like it one direction—you or them receiving, that’s fine too.”

She pauses, letting it sink in that while they might automatically think of fucking someone’s ass, maybe some of the guys might enjoy being pegged. I’ve never done that myself, but given everything else I’m exploring with Samantha, and the way we both liked my thumb in her ass, maybe we need to add a little backdoor play for me too? I’ve never thought about it, and definitely never seriously considered it, but now? I’m not gonna say I don’t like it until I try it, but my asshole involuntarily constricts in disagreement.

“But if you’re consensually exploring, remember to go sloooooow,” Samantha drawls out, “and use lubrication because it’s a non-lubricating orifice, unlike a mouth or vagina. And not your jack-off lotion,” she adds sharply. “Your hands can handle that. An anus cannot.”

Guys nod like they’re making plans for tonight, and Samantha smiles.

“Okay, I think we have about five minutes left. Questions?”

Almost every hand in the room goes up.

“Oh! Might have to make these quickies,” she jokes, laughing.

“Damn,” Evan whispers as Samantha answers the guys’ thankfully appropriate questions. “She’s awesome. Maybe you were right... we could have done this sooner.”

“You’re admitting I was right and you were wrong?” I whisper back, and Evan rolls his eyes. “I was just lucky, man.”

“Even so, see if she’ll do a whole series of classes covering sex, relationships, dating, or whatever. Maybe have her send us the topics for each one ahead of time, though?” He raises his brows, a reminder of his original response to Samantha’s outrageous topic and title for today’s class. “We can put them on the club calendar for reservations because I’m betting that after word gets out about today, she’s gonna have a full roster.”