Page 97 of Last Rites

“Can you imagine living with someone who has that job?”

Dani’s heart skipped as his grip tightened slightly. He was afraid of what she was going to say.

“I can imagine it. But imagination only goes so far. I’m more into reality,” she said.

Aaron saw the twinkle in her eyes. “So, that’s a yes?”

She nodded. “Pretty much.”

He grinned. “Just checking. And…I come bearing good news.”

Dani laid her cookie by her drink and dusted the cinnamon sugar from her fingers.

“Tell me!”

“They caught the man who shot Charlie Raines.”

Dani gasped. “Oh my gosh! Best news ever! How? Who was he? Where did they find him?”

Aaron began laying out the story as he ate, beginning with the tip on the hotline about Nyles Fairchild, to the Alexandria police following up and then getting Fairchild’s confession. But it was the reason he shot Charlie that floored her.

“He thought he was shooting at a bear? Oh my God! People like him have no business even owning a gun. And then to leave Charlie just lying there and run away? An idiot and a coward, to boot.”

Aaron nodded. “You just summed up the basic makeup of nearly every person who winds up getting arrested. They do something stupid and then won’t admit they made a mistake. However, Chief Warren wanted me to advise you that there could be a possibility that your identity may come into play now. Nyles Fairchild confessed, so there’s really no point in a jury trial. The sentencing will be up to the judge. But your name and your witness statement will be part of the total package.”

“Fair enough,” Dani said. “And since there’s no oneleft from my past wishing me dead, the need for anonymity no longer exists. This is such good news. Thank you for letting me know!”

“Any excuse to come see you is a plus,” he said.

Dani frowned. “You don’t need an excuse.”

Aaron put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “Maybe not, but I need you.”

Dani put her arms around his neck. “I can easily be on call, day or night as the need arises,” she said.

Aaron buried his face against the curve of her neck and pulled her into his lap. “No pressure or anything, but you should know that you are single-handedly healing every broken piece of me.”

Dani shivered with longing as she turned in his arms and cupped his face with both hands.

Aaron tunneled his fingers through her hair, feeling the short curls wrapping around his fingers just like she’d already wrapped herself around his heart, then stroked the curve of her chin with his thumb.

“I dream of making love to you, but I don’t want it to be hit and run. I want to see you come apart in my arms, then hold you as you sleep. I want to wake up beside you for the rest of my life. I keep reminding myself you barely know me, but that’s how I feel.”

Dani slid off his lap, then held out her hand.

“Where are we going?” Aaron asked.

“To bed, to make a dream come true.”

Sunset had come and gone.

There were two piles of clothing at the foot of the only bed in the house.

And a man and a woman in the bed, in the act of making love.


Like thirsting for water, they couldn’t get enough of each other.