Page 22 of Last Rites

“He was alive when they left here with him. That’s all I know,” Rance said.

“Then we’ll hold on to that and pray for recovery,” Sonny said. “Charlie is a really good kid. I’m just sick about this happening to him.”

John Cauley heard all the sirens coming up the mountain and knew in his heart that something terrible had happened. The sounds were all below his place, but he was guessing they had either gone to the home of Marcus Glass, or Ray and Betty Raines. Either way, he needed to know. He stopped what he was doing and ran for his truck, then headed down the mountain.

He was coming up on the road leading into the Raines property when he saw an ambulance come flying out of their driveway onto the blacktop and take off down the mountain with lights flashing and sirens screaming.

“Oh lord, oh lord,” John muttered, and took the turn. He was just pulling up to the house when Betty rode up on their four-wheeler with Ray in his truck right behind her.

John got out, running.

“Ray! What’s happened?” John cried.

“Somebody shot Charlie down by Big Falls and left him for dead. The sheriff is already on the scene. Say a prayer for Charlie, Uncle John. He’s gonna need it.”

Then Betty came running, jumped into the truck and they drove away.

John was in shock. His hands were shaking by the time he got back into his truck and called his wife.

It had been a busy day at Granny Annie’s Bakery, and Annie had given over the front counter to her daughter, Laurel, and retreated to the kitchen to organize end-of-day cleanup. There were still a few deliveries to make, and she was directing her new delivery driver, B.J. Pope, as to the orders yet to be delivered.

B.J. was carrying them out to the van when Annie’s phone rang. She smiled to herself when she saw it was John.

“Hello, honey. How’s your day going?” she asked.

“We’ve had big trouble up here. Someone shot Charlie and left him for dead down by Big Falls. The ambulance just left their place with him, and Ray and Betty aren’t far behind.”

“What? John, no! Shot him? Do they know who did it?” Annie cried.

“I doubt it. The sheriff is on the scene. You go check on Ray and Betty before you come home. I’ve got some calls to make.”

“Yes, yes, I will. Oh my God, John. What is this world coming to? Are you at home?”

“No, I’m still at their place, but I’m going back home now.”

“Drive carefully. I’ll call you before I start home.”

“Okay, sweetheart. Love you,” John said.

Annie sighed. “I love you, too,” and disconnected.

After telling Laurel and B.J. what had happened, Annie left Laurel in charge and headed for the hospital.

Aaron’s phone call about the shooting had shaken Shirley to the core, but she wasn’t sure what to do. She’d been to Ray and Betty’s house a few times in the months since their arrival, and when the evening began to grow short, she knew there would be chickens to put up for the night and barn cats to feed, and decided to call her aunt for advice. She didn’t want to overstep herbounds, but she needed to do something for them, and this was all she could think of that might help.

Annie was just leaving the bakery for the hospital when her phone rang. Shirley’s number came up on caller ID, so she stopped to answer.


“Aunt Annie, this is Shirley. Aaron called us about Charlie. Are you going to the hospital?”

“Yes, I’m on my way there now.”

“Okay. Would you please give Ray and Betty a message from me? Let them know we’re praying for Charlie. Also, I know there will be dozens of family members there, so I thought it best we don’t add to the confusion. Just tell them Sean and I will see to feeding and putting their chickens up for the night, and feeding the barn cats.”

“That’s so thoughtful, Shirley. Yes, I’ll tell them.”

“If you get news, please let us know. We’re just sick about this. Charlie was just here last week fishing in our pond. I can’t believe this could happen.”