Page 20 of Last Rites

“Just in case you remember anything else later. Go ahead and get in your car, then give me a couple of minutes to gather up the crew. You’ll lead us to the placewhere you found the journal, and then you’ll be free to go, okay?”

“Yes,” Dani said as she palmed the card, then glanced up. “I’m very sorry about the boy who was shot.”

“Thanks. He’s a really good kid,” Aaron said, and then went back inside.

Dani was a little bit in shock as she headed for her car, thinking how randomly she’d become involved in something this sinister.

Aaron hurried through the station and out to his cruiser. The team from the crime lab was already waiting in the van. He waved as he got into his cruiser, and then left the parking lot with the van behind him.

When Dani saw them coming around the corner, she backed away from the curb and led the way back through town, past the music venues and to the farthest parking lot before she stopped to roll down her window.

She watched from her side mirror as Pope emerged from the cruiser, unfolding his long legs as he stood, and wondered how he was able to fit inside that car. He was strikingly handsome, which would have been obvious to anyone, but she would have had to be blind to ignore that sexy walk.

Then he was at her window and leaning down to speak to her.

“This is the place?”

“Yes. See that faded yellow strip? He was parked beside it.”

“Got it. Thank you again for helping, and remember, if you think of anything else, you have my number.”

“Yes, I will. Am I free to go now?” she asked.

“Yes, you are. Have a good evening.”

Dani rolled up the window and drove away, thinking this was the end of her good deed.

Aaron watched until she was completely out of sight before he remembered he was there to set up a perimeter, so he strung up yellow crime scene tape before calling his mother about Charlie getting shot.

Shirley was outside in the porch swing with a glass of iced tea melting in her hands when her phone rang. Seeing Aaron’s name come up on caller ID, she set her tea aside to answer.

“Hi, honey. How’s your day going?”

“Not so good, but that’s why I’m calling. The news is probably already spreading on the mountain, but I wanted you to hear it first from me. There was an incident at Big Falls this afternoon. Someone shot Charlie Raines and left him for dead. County is working the case, but we’re assisting. I don’t know anything other than he was still alive when they got him to the hospital, and he’s in surgery now.”

“No! Oh my God, no!” Shirley cried. “He’s just a boy! This makes me sick. Poor baby! Poor Betty and Ray.”

“I know, Mom. Listen, I may be late coming home, so if I am, don’t worry. This will be the reason why.”

“Okay. You be careful. I love you,” Shirley said.

“Love you, too, Mom,” Aaron said, and then pocketed his phone and went to check on the techs’ progress.

They’d already found evidence, taken pictures of the scene, gathered blood and skin samples from where the man had fallen, and were packing up their gear.

“Are you done?” Aaron asked.

“Yes, and heading back to the lab.”

Aaron nodded. “I’ll follow you in,” he said, and jogged back to his cruiser.

Dani wasn’t in the mood for sightseeing and was on her way back to her hotel when she noted the time. It was almost five o’clock, and she hadn’t eaten since breakfast. There were dozens of wonderful places to eat in Jubilee. She’d tried a couple at lunchtime, but had always gone back to the hotel before dark. Being overcautious now was a holdover from the Tony Bing episode, and she knew it. She was slowly getting past being afraid of everyone and everything, but it was a process.

As she was driving, she remembered seeing a café called Cajun Katie’s, and she’d grown up in Louisiana. Maybe a little food from home would settle her nerves, so she drove back downtown until she found the restaurant again, and went inside. The aroma of Cajun spices, fried fish, and gumbo met her at the door, along with a hostess who quickly seated her.

Hunger pangs hit as Dani began scanning the menu.

Dinner was about to be served.