Page 19 of Last Rites

“Charlie was shot?”

Sonny frowned. “Oh man, sorry, Aaron. I blurted that out without thinking. He’s related to you, isn’t he?”

“It’s okay, sir. I’ll check on him later,” Aaron said.

Sonny returned to questioning Dani. “Did the man see you?”

“No, at least I don’t think so. Once I saw him pick up the gun and throw it in the trunk, I ducked back into an alley and watched from there.”

“Okay. Say nothing more about this to anyone else. We need to try and identify him ASAP. It may mean nothing. And it could mean everything. Are you here as a tourist?” Sonny asked.

“No, sir,” Dani said. “I’ve been hired to teach first grade here this coming August. I’ve been here a couple of days looking for a place to rent.”

“There are a couple of large apartment complexes just as you head east out toward the campgrounds, and the rental property is almost all outside of the tourist part of Jubilee,” Sonny said.

“Yes, sir. I’ve already filled out several rental applications. I’m just waiting to hear back.”

“Right,” Sonny said.

“Is that all? Is it okay if I leave now?” Dani asked.

“We’ll need to fingerprint you to eliminate them from what’s on the book, but I may need to talk to you again later. Officer Pope will walk you down to the lab. When you’ve finished there, I need to ask you to lead my officer and a team from the crime lab back to where you found the book. If he bled as much as you indicated, we might be able to collect some DNA. You won’t have to stay, just show them where it happened, and then you’ll be free to go.”

“Yes, sir. I’m happy to help,” Dani said.

“Excellent,” Sonny said, and handed the journal to Aaron. “The exterminator is gone. Log this into evidence, then leave it at the lab for fingerprinting. When Miss Owens is finished, escort her out of the building.”

“Yes, sir,” Aaron said, then glanced at Dani. “This way, please.”

Chapter 4

Dani was very aware of the man keeping pace beside her. She appreciated his consideration in making small talk, trying to ease her nerves, when he’d just received bad news of his own.

“Don’t be worried,” he said. “Digital fingerprinting is painless.”

Dani glanced up. “It’s okay. I’ve been fingerprinted before. Any time a teacher applies for a job in a new district or a new state, we go through a thorough background check, which includes fingerprinting.”

“Oh, right. You did say you’d come here to teach first grade.” He flashed back on his own first-grade teacher. She looked nothing like Dani Owens. “That’s wonderful,” he added. “You get to be in on the beginning of so many lives.”

Dani had never heard it put quite that way before, but that’s how she always felt with a new class, and his insight touched her. Without thinking, she glanced down at his left hand, looking for a wedding ring, but it wasn’t there. It didn’t mean he wasn’t married, and then she reminded herself his marital situation didn’t have anything to do with her.

Then he abruptly stopped.

“We’re here,” he said, and opened the glass-front door to their right.

It broke the fantasy of the good-looking cop and revived her anxiety, knowing she only had herself to blame. She’d put herself in this mess because she’d picked up that book.

Aaron called out across the room. “Hey, Terry. This is Dani Owens. Chief needs you to fingerprint her strictly for elimination purposes. I’ve got to log in some evidence. I’ll be back to escort her out in a few minutes. Be nice. She’s had a rough day.”

“I’m always nice,” the officer said, and smiled at Dani. “This won’t take long, and if Pope gets lost, I’ll be happy to show you out.”

Aaron’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t get lost. I’ll be back in a few, Miss Owens. Trust me.”

Dani hid a smile. She’d seen little boys on the playground with the exact same mindsets as these two. It wasn’t a squabble. It was just two male egos pecking at each other without trading blows.

And true to his word, after logging in the evidence, Aaron returned to the lab with the journal in the evidence bag. “Chief wants this dusted for prints.”

“Will do,” Terry said, and went to work as Aaron escorted Dani out of the building, then gave her his card.