Page 103 of Last Rites

“You’re welcome, and it was truly my pleasure,” Aaron said, and gave her a quick glance as he braked at the end of the drive. “Mom and my brothers adore you.”

“What about you?” Dani asked.

Aaron reached for her hand, lifted it to his lips, and kissed it. “Oh, I’m way past adoration, lady. I love you. Simple fact I can’t deny.”

Dani saw the truth on his face by the dashboard light.

“My knight in shining armor. Always wanted one. How blessed I am it’s you. Take me home, Sir Aaron. I very desperately want to make love with you.”

Aaron’s pulse kicked. “Oh my God, woman! We’re a good four mountain miles away from a bed and you tell me this now!” Then he threw back his head and laughed. “It’s gonna take a sec to get there.”

Dani leaned back in the seat. “I can wait.”

“Lord,” Aaron said, and pulled out onto the blacktop and headed down the mountain. “Starting up a conversation after that request is like being the juggling act that had to follow Elvis.”

Dani laughed out loud. “Now that put an image in my head I’m going to remember for a while.”

Aaron grinned. “You’re a hot mess.”

“Just don’t forget I’m your mess,” she said.

“Not a chance,” he muttered, and kept driving.

When the bright lights of Jubilee finally came into view, Aaron was cruising, and silently thanked the Lord for all the green lights as he drove toward the residential area on the far side of town. When he finally pulled up into her drive, she was holding the door key.

He killed the engine.

They opened their doors at the same time and exited in unison. Dani beat him up the steps, unlocked the door, and walked in.

Aaron came in behind her, locking the door as he went.

Dani was halfway down the hall when he caught up, swept her into his arms, and carried her the rest of the way to the bed, and they had yet to turn on a light.

Clothes flew in every direction and then Dani was flat on her back.

The long drive down the mountain and the waiting invitation had been all the foreplay they needed.

Aaron was fully erect and sliding into the soft, wet heat of her body when she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

All they had to do was let go, and so they did—of every inhibition, of every hesitation. Moving in perfectunison without conscious thought of the spark they’d started, their only intent to chase after the fire.

There was nothing on their mind but each other and the building rush of imminent climax. When it finally came, it was in a flash, without warning, in one long wash of ecstasy. They collapsed, still wrapped in each other’s arms.

Silence followed.

Neither wanted the inevitable ending, even though it was already happening.

“I hate leaving like this,” Aaron whispered.

“No regrets,” Dani said. “You have laughed with me, fed me, and made love to me in the most perfectly beautiful way. I love you, Aaron Pope. I have faith you will be back.”

He sighed. “You know I’ll be back. I’m bound to you, soul to soul. You know the magic words.”

“Magic words?”

He nodded. “Three little words are the key to my heart.”

Her eyes widened. “I love you?”