Page 102 of Dead and Breakfast


My confusion must have shown on my face, because she wasted no time.

“Oh, you didn’t know? I’m pregnant.” A smug smile stretched across her face, one that said she’d won.

I didn’t know I was in a competition, but whatever.

It didn’t stop the sting of her words, though.

I looked from her to Noah, and he sighed, dropping his chin to his chest. I wanted to say something, but nothing came out, and that only seemed to strengthen whatever conviction Kayla had within her.

Her smile grew until it was the smuggest, most hateful smile I’d ever had directed at me. “Whatever you had was over years ago. He didn’t even text you back then. What makes you think he cares now?”

“Kayla, give us a minute,” Noah bit out.

She turned to him, jaw slack in shock. “Are you taking her side?”

“There are no sides to take,” he replied harshly. “I just asked you to give us a minute.”

Her jaw clenched, and she shoved past him, stomping back inside and disappearing. I watched her go, staring after her for far longer than I wanted to.

Noah didn’t say anything, and neither did I.

I couldn’t.

There was just… nothing.

Only an empty ache where my words should have been, and I knew what this feeling was as it swept over me.


It was the closure I’d wanted, and now that I was getting it, I regretted ever asking for it.

Because this? This was true closure. It’d been painfully obvious that friendship was something we’d struggle to have, both because of our past and because of the visceral hatred his girlfriend had for me, but I’d hoped that maybe… Maybe we’d be able to one day reach that point as time went on.

That wasn’t going to happen now.

This closure was a full shut door.

And that stupid, stupid little, teeny tiny piece of me that held a naïve, immature hope of something more fizzled away, and I felt nothing but a melancholy emptiness that seemed to settle into my bones, weighing me down.

“It’s not—” Noah started.

“Congratulations.” The word scratched its way out of my throat, forcing its way into existence, void of any emotion.

He parted his lips to say something, but I turned around and walked straight to my car, not pausing for even a second, and got in it. I shoved my keys in the ignition, turned them, and quickly checked my mirrors before pulling out into the street, leaving Noah standing on the doorstep and staring after me.


Kayla was pregnant.

They were having a baby.

Oh, my God.


Ihit ‘send’ on the email to my boss and triumphantly shut down the tab.