Page 79 of Dead and Breakfast

Amen to that.

“Take him somewhere else,” Ash said to Jamie. “You’re not having our table.”

“Where’s Steph? I thought you were on a rescue mission,” I said.

“Getting drinks. As thanks for helping her escape.”

“You’re friends with Stephanie?” Noah asked, finally rounding the table so I could no longernotlook at him.


Like Jamie, he was wearing a black shirt. Where Jamie’s was short sleeved, Noah’s was long, and the sleeves were rolled up to just below his elbows, and I was pretty sure that forearm tattoo of his was flirting with me.


Black shirts with sleeves rolled up were just below white shirts on the hotness level. Marginally.

It was a shame I wanted to throw my straw at him, really.

“Are we not allowed to be, Your Majesty?” Ash said, raising her eyebrows. “Is that a problem for you?”

“Ash. You’ve never spoken to her in your life; forgive me for being a bit confused about it.”

“We’re friends,” I said, given that arguing was in their DNA. “It’s not that weird.”

Noah swung his gaze towards me. “Yes, it is.”

“That sounds like a you problem,” I replied, leaning back in my chair.

“He’s right,” Jamie said, scanning the room. “You’re still a suspect, Lottie.”

“That’s definitely a you problem.”

“Being a murder suspect is a bit ofyouproblem, as you put it,” Noah said, lips twitching to one side.

“If I’m such a suspect, why are you here talking to me?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

He stared at me.

“Exactly,” I deadpanned. “Not so suspicious, then, am I?”

“Don’t be cocky,” Jamie said, patting my shoulder.

I pulled my straw out of the glass and whipped his bare arm with it. “Go away.”

Ash nodded emphatically.

“Fine, fine,” Jamie said, standing up. He pulled my straw out of my hands and swatted me back with it before throwing it on the table, and I narrowed my eyes at him. “There’s a table over there. Let’s go.”

Noah eyed us both, with his gaze lingering on me for a second too long. “Behave yourselves.”

I grabbed the straw and threw it across the table at him. “Or what? You’ll arrest me again?” I smirked.

He met my eyes and held my attention, then turned around without another word.

Like the overgrown child I was, I stuck my middle finger up at his back and huffed.

“It’s gross when you flirt with him,” Ash said.