Page 106 of Dead and Breakfast

“We’ve got more tea and coffee than you can imagine.” He chucked and filled the kettle. “Take a seat.”

“Thanks.” I edged onto one of the stools at the island and put my bag on the one next to me. “I didn’t know you’d moved in here with Steph.”

“Moved in? Hm, no. Not really.” Shane flicked the button on the kettle to set it going, then turned around. “Just helping her get settled. She’s not been here for a while and she’s trying to find her bearings again.”

“Oh, of course. Sorry. I was just surprised to see you.”

“Don’t worry about it. There are a few things she wanted doing around the house that I’m helping her with when I’m done with work for the day.”

I looked around. “It doesn’t look like it needs anything doing to me. Trust me. I just came from a place one step away from a building site.”

“Not fixes. Cameras.”

I paused. “Cameras?”

“Yeah. What, you think that fucker left the control at the purse strings? He had cameras up all over this place. It’s how Steph found out he was cheating on her. She discovered one of the cameras and asked me to get her into the footage.”

That was awfully convenient.

“We’ve been going through the house in the hope we can locate them all so we can live in peace.”



We’vegot tea.

We’vebeen going through the house.

Wecan live in peace.

Was it me, or that was weird?

I nodded, still looking around the kitchen, hoping I looked more carefree than I felt.

He was using very coupled-up language for someone who said he wasn’t living here. Almost as if he was assuming he’d be able to now.

Shane didn’t say anything else as he made the drinks, and I forced a smile as he brought it over and set one cup of coffee in front of me. “There you go,” he said.

“Thanks. I’ll drink this, and if she’s not back, I’ll have to leave. It really was just a flying visit.”

He nodded, but there was a glimmer in his eye—something that made a chill run down my spine.

“So,” I said brightly, cradling the mug in my hands. “How are you?”


“Why are you really here, Charlotte?” Shane asked, leaning on the other side of the counter. His dark gaze bore into mine unnervingly, and that chill that had run down my spine just seconds ago took up permanent residence there, snaking across my skin uncomfortably.

“What do you mean?” I asked, pausing to blow on my coffee. “I’m here to see Steph.”

“So you said. You’re clearly lying. It’s a long way out of your way just to check up on her when you could send a text message.”

“I like to do things in person.”

“You know, don’t you?”

“Know what?”