Page 83 of Vows and Vendettas

Georgia and I started working for Vinny at the same time. I was seventeen and so was she. So…about eleven years ago. We worked our way up to management, even in a dive like Dynamic.

A year ago, Georgia met and married a connected man, Joe Fedele. She told me he paid the bills, gave her extra cash, and left her alone most of the time. It was a good match for her.

“I can hear you breathing heavy on the other side of the line.” Her southern drawl was heavy, and it made her sound sweet. Which she was, unless she was crossed. “Panic or exercising? Since your metabolism is a racehorse, I’m betting on the first.”

The timing of her call was too perfect. I looked around, even though I knew the rat wasn’t going to be wearing a neon sign. Someone must have called Francine, the nurse in making, and told her. I was still wearing my Dynamic T-shirt and cut-off shorts.

“Francine told you?”

“Yeah. Thought you could use a little Georgia love. Why didn’t you call me?”

“I could use a lot of it. And I didn’t want to bother you.”

“What’s going on, Leo?”

I told her.

She ticked her mouth. “That’s the devil. He’s knocking things out of your hands on purpose to get you down to hell. That’s what mamma used to say when life started to get extra hard. He’s coming after you because good things are on the horizon. You’re looking up too much for his liking.”

A laugh exploded out of my mouth. “I don’t know about all that.”

“Uh huh. I do. But while you’re doubting my words of wisdom, I’m going to run to the store. I’ll get everything Angelo needs. I’ll come sit with him for as long as you need me to. What size does he wear?”

“You’re an angel.” I told her his size, then switched gears. “Do you think Joe can find out who Rispoli works for?”

“Let it go, Leo. You don’t want that kind of trouble. You’re lucky it wasn’t worse, understand?”

I did. Angelo could have been broken in half. It made a cold sweat break out over my body. But I had to know who Jerry Rispoli was working for. I also needed to know how deep Angelo had gotten himself in. Phoenix had said it was only his second time working for him. But Phoenix was a better liar than Angelo. I was glad he rarely lied, unlike Angelo, who was a habitual fibber. Because I’d always have to dig for the truth.

The entire situation made me feel uneasy.

“Go sit with Angelo for a while, Leo. Put your feet up. I’ll be there soon.” Georgia hung up, and I did what she’d said. I spent some time with the boys until she got there, carrying multiple bags like she was a fairy godmother.

“Sweet!” Phoenix jumped up, reaching for the bags. “Almost as sweet as you.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her and then kissed her on the cheek.

She laughed, pinching his cheeks. Then she patted Angelo’s leg. “Auntie Georgia to the rescue! Do you mind if I hang out with you and Phoenix for a while?”

“I don’t need anyone.” His voice cracked, and his tan cheeks burned like they were on fire.

“Of course you don’t.” She took a seat. “But Joe is gone, and I don’t want to be alone in that big ol’ house.” She looked at me. “What are you still doing here?”

“I’m going.” I lifted my hands. I looked at Angelo. “I’ll be back in the morning.”

“Is that when…they’re taking me to surgery?”

“I’ll be back before then.”

“Okay,” he whispered.

It broke my heart to leave him, but Vinny wouldn’t pay me if I didn’t work. And even though Georgia had told me to let the issue with Jerry Rispoli go, I couldn’t.

What if he came for Angelo again?

Linda was making herself a microwave dinner when I got home. She didn’t say anything to me when I passed her. My stuff was in the room she claimed as hers, and I grabbed a shower, some clean work clothes, and a fifteen-minute nap on the couch before I headed back to Dynamic.

Halfway there, my phone rang. I knew by the ringtone who it was. I answered and put him on speaker. “Yes, Vinny.”

“Why do you always sound disappointed when you answer?”