Page 62 of Vows and Vendettas

I’m pissed that she pulled away from me instantly. I’m still hard as a rock. Isn’t she as attracted to me as I am to her?

“How did your brother get half a mil? What have you been doing? I told you to save yourself.” The words are spit out of my mouth and full of the anger I’m feeling. She takes another step back, and I see the hurt in her expressive eyes.

“I have.” She pauses and her lips quiver. Lips bruised from my kisses. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Did you sell yourself? Did he sell you?” Her flush turns into a full-on blush. “Did he sell you to Bronwyn?” Now I see fire hit her eyes and her hand swings out. I catch it before she can smack me. I’m on her. I pin her arms behind her back with one of mine and wrap my other hand around her chin. I give it enough pressure to open her mouth and dive back in. Her tongue tangles with mine. She starts moving her body in an uncoordinated movement, trying to find relief. I pull back and look down at her again.

“You’re still a virgin,” I state the now obvious. Again, her features clear and she looks up at me with daggers in her eyes.

“Well, duh, asshole. That was my first kiss.” She pauses. “Well, um, the previous one.” I press myself against her tiny body, holding her tight against me so she can feel the effect she has on me.

“And I will be the only man to take these lips and that sweet cunt of yours.” I step away, releasing her before I take her right here, not caring for her as I should.

“How dare you? You come in here and demand things of me, and you don’t even know me. If I’m a virgin or not is none of your business. How my family gets money is none of your business either.” Her hands flail around in her anger, and she starts to pace. “I mean, you said you would take me, then stopped coming to see me. I watched you pull away that night. I know you haven’t been around since. I could have been with a hundred men for all you care.”

I’m on her again as I hear the chuckle come from behind us. It reminds me we aren’t alone. I lift her up onto the counter behind her and press between her knees. I watch as her breath hitches. Her pulse is fluttering away under her delicate neck. I rein myself in and drag a single finger down her face, across her breasts, and lower, right between her legs. Her head falls back, and I lean in to bite her exposed carotid.

“Malen'kiy vorobey, all of you is mine. Every part of you. I’ve watched you for the last eight and a half months. I’m waiting for you to be legal, and then I’m going to sink into this tight little cunt, and you will be mine forever.” She moans and I move my hand back up to her face. “Open your eyes, vorobey.” Her eyes flutter open.

“What are you calling me?” Her soft voice brings a smile to my face.

“Little sparrow and sparrow in Russian. But how about this instead.” I smile at her again. She can always bring a smile to my face. “Petit moineau.” I call her little sparrow again but in French. She sighs and gives me a dopey smile. “You like the French better?”

“Boss.” Dmitri breaks up our conversation.

“Da.” I acknowledge him. “Now listen, your brother is up to something.” I pull out one of my business cards and slip it into the front pocket of her scrubs. “Call me if you need me.”

“He’s always up to something. He stole and I’m sure pawned everything you’ve given to me. I’m sorry.” Her face falls.

I lift her chin up to look at me again. “I’ll get you more. Stay away from Bronwyn and watch your brother,” I order her before I lift her off the counter and set her on her feet. I turn my back. If I don’t leave now, I’ll take her with me.

“Andrei, how?”

I pause at her question and turn around. “How what, ptitsa?”

“How do you know about all this? About Lennon’s dad and my brother?”

“I haven’t stopped watching you. I’ve been busy.” I don’t explain the danger. “Plus, your brother has asked to be in a game next month.” I watch as she slowly shakes her head.

“He hasn’t been around the apartment much lately.”

“Be careful. Remember to call me if you need me.” I nod toward her pocket with my card, and she nods back.

I move past Dmitri and toward the door but stop as I reach for it. I turn back to her. “Lock this door, ptitsa, or I’ll take you over my knee,” I order and watch as she squirms slightly. My lips tip up. We are going to be exploring her sexual proclivities every chance we can once I have her. “I’ll see you soon,” I say as I step out and leave her. Again, it feels wrong to leave her, but I have to. Very soon she will be mine.



I watch him go, my body rioting, wanting more of what he did to me. I loved him touching me. I crave it, and he is gone. I understand why he’s waiting, but I worry he will change his mind. Am I his just until he takes my virginity? He calls me his, but am I really?

I finish cleaning the salon then take the bus back to my small apartment. I need to save myself and not count on Andrei to do it. I’ve depended on men most of my life only to have them let me down time and time again.

As I make my way to my apartment, I see the landlord, and just like he did months ago, he quickly moves away from me. I haven’t had any run-ins with him in a while, which has been a nice reprieve. But I wonder what has him spooked. I look behind me and don’t see anyone. Is it me that scares him for some reason? I shake off the thought and open my apartment door. Darkness greets me. I’m glad most of the utilities are included in the rent, but electricity isn’t one of them. The power must have been disconnected earlier today. I have one guess what Brett did with the money—gambled it away.

That’s when I remember Andrei’s words. Brett got five hundred thousand dollars. I don’t know how or what he used as collateral. I reach for the small flashlight I have in my backpack when I’m smacked hard and slammed into the door.

“Who are you fucking, whore?” Brett spits at me as he hits me again. I try to get away, but he’s bigger and stronger. He pulls me away from the door only to slam me against it again. My breath rushes from my lungs. I hold in the cry of pain because I know he likes that, and I don’t want to give him any more reason to hit or beat on me.