Page 222 of Vows and Vendettas

When I found out who my parents were, Tríona —pronounced tree-n— and Cormac Kavanagh, I couldn’t understand why they never retaliated. Tore this town apart and destroyed everything in its wake to find out what happened to me. But they never so much as stirred the waters.

I had no idea why we’d been here all those years ago. Why or how I’d met Lessie. Only when I woke up, I had nothing but my anger and grief to keep me company.

I’d stayed with the family. Leo and Amelia Madden. I offered up no information about who I was or what had happened to me. They just assumed I was the victim of some serial killer passing through town or some pedophilic cunt my new father was hell bent on murdering should that have turned out to be the case.

They became my parents and loved me more than I ever thought possible. Over the years, I’d learned to grow fast and hard. I had to, I needed to become something fierce if I was to ever get my revenge.

Into petty crime by the time I was nine, I’d caught the eye of some of Luigi’s soldiers after I forged myself into the perfect candidate. I worked my way up through the ranks, determined to be the nightmare this bastard never saw coming.

Working within his very own empire.

I was going to destroy everything he’d built. Steal it right out from under him and make his precious little daughter mine. Imagine my surprise when I entered the fold just to find her as bloodthirsty and as cold as I had become.

She was fucking glorious and I’d never forget the moment on her sixteenth birthday, that it had been me who had made her a woman.

Me who stole the last shred of innocence she had.

She wanted my hate, but I had none to give. It was all reserved for her cunt of a father.

But I could use it.

Use it to give her everything she needed and more.

I’d planned on worming my way into the family, learning all I could about the people I knew nothing about and when the time was right, making it mine.

Forcing Alessia into marriage and taking over her families empire. Ruling with her at my side. All so we could then go and take everything my father owned too.

I wouldn’t stop until I’d taken everything built to destroy us and tear us apart so that nothing could ever hurt either of us again.

Take two empires and make them one.

To own it all.

“Rían,” she breathed.

Her warm breath fanned across my parted lips. “Do it.”

That was the plan at least.

The one I’d spent years formulating.

But after that night when I was fourteen, I’d still had to prove myself to the big boss man himself. That took a little longer than I expected and the first time I was even allowed around Alessia, was at her sixteenth birthday party.

Then what I had planned, stopped mattering altogether.

The second I saw her again, after all of those years, it was impossible for the floodgates not to open and every emotion I felt for her to thunder through me like a hurricane.

It was foolish of me to think that she wouldn’t recognize me either.

That when those dark eyes met mine from across the dance floor, she wouldn’t see me for exactly who I was. Even if I had more than enough tattoos and muscle to look entirely different from the scrawny little kid she remembered.

I cracked and I did what I’d always promised her I’d do.

I claimed her.

“You aren’t supposed to call me that, Less. Remember what we agreed?”