Page 212 of Vows and Vendettas

“That’s because you’re a psycho and can’t resist the urge.”

“Hey, I resent that. I could stop if I needed to.”

“Could you?”

“Fuck no.” She laughed at her own joke. “It’s a serious problem. But the sex that comes after is fucking insatiable.”

Scratching the back of my shoulder, I smiled at her and pursed my lips in thought. “Oh yeah?”

“Heck yeah, Wolf gets all riled when he sees me covered in blood.” Her eyes fell heavy, half masked and thick in psychotic lust. I shifted in my seat, not wanting to make eye contact with the horny pregnant lady. It’s like the woman’s in heat. “He does this thing right, with his favorite blade and my clit, and it”

“No,” I bark and she stopped, stared, and then started to chuckle. “I don’t want to know.”

“You’re such a prude.”

Whatever she needed to tell herself.

Kelly brushed out Adley’s hair and ruffled it with her fingers. The long locks fanned out blue and I envied her free spirit. I dismissed them and sat back, watching quietly. It took me years to find Adley after she was abducted by a serial killer couple who wanted her for their deranged son’s little pet. She was only five and the cousin I had when she was taken, sure as heck wasn’t the same sweet little girl that returned.

I guessed that was just the way for the women who shared Black blood.

To survive hell and come back as the Devil’s keeper.

I turned my head and gazed out the window, watching as people milled on by. Both guards stood out front, backs ramrod straight and I knew if I was standing in front of them, I’d see both their eyes flickering back and forth without rest, taking in the area, never missing a thing. I was drawn toward Killian’s broad and tensed shoulders. The way he conducted himself was unlike any man I’d ever known.

Even as a teenager, the boy who watched me from the shadows always had this way about him. I’d once thought my father was the epitome of power, but he paled in comparison to Killian.

He was a God amongst men and just to stare at him, was like watching a great sea part. Nothing stood in his way and people unknowingly shifted, just to give him more room to roam.

From my vantage point, he seemed to tower over the world. Those strong thighs were rigid under his black slacks, thick and taunt against the fabric.

I remembered back to the day I officially met him as my guard. When Ronnie had vouched for him and told me I could trust him with my life.

It was an impossible moment to forget.

Nobody had ever looked at me the way he had.

“Then you know what he has to do,” I said, staring at the blue-eyed man standing before me. His rich, intoxicating scent wrapped around me and filled the air. I’d never smelled anything like it. So strong and undiluted, it felt like I was standing by a campfire, in the middle of the woods surrounded by nothing other than sandalwood and citrus. I inhaled deeply and bottled up the scent so I’d never risk needing to get this close to him just to smell something so heavenly again. As I stepped into him, I reached for the chin of his mask, intending to lift it from his head. With a quick hand, his snapped up and his fingers coiled around my wrist, stopping me from touching him. He pulled me into him, close enough that my warm breath gushed against him but not close enough that my chest touched his.

I didn’t jump, never made any move that showed I was startled at all. Instead, I just raised a delicate brow and waited for him to let me go, intrigued by the brazen disrespect for the rules he apparently vowed to uphold.

“Killian. You know you aren’t supposed to touch her,” Ronnie growled in a low, scathing hiss. He stepped forward, ready to rip Killian away from me. Lifting my other hand, I halted his movement while never taking my eyes off the troubled blues that bored into my gaze with a searing kind of energy that made my heart flutter in anticipation. “Now, boy. Let her go.”

“Do you want to be here?” I asked him and took comfort when he nodded once. “Do you take your vow seriously?” Another nod, another wave of his mouthwatering scent. I tilted my head and narrowed my eyes. “If you do this job, Killian. You’re loyal to nobody but me. Act on nobody’s orders but my own. Not even my father’s. You do as I ask. Any questions you may have, die on your tongue. It’s not your place to question me or my orders. Do you understand?” He nods again and I smirk at his stubbornness. “I’ll also ask you to prove yourself. Can you do that?” He nods one last time and I take a step back, breaking his hold on my wrist.

“Then follow me.”

Ronnie already knew what was about to happen. He must’ve thought that Killian would have agreed to my barbaric methods, or he never would have chosen him.

All those years ago, when the little girl inside of me was broken and the vicious, bloodthirsty bitch was born, I had turned so cold. I had pushed away everyone that I loved and that included Ronnie. I wanted him to hate me, to give up on trying to save me so I could slowly destroy myself without making him watch. He was a stubborn bastard though and refused to let me drown. He pulled me back from the edge and got me thinking straight again. He got me angry. He made me smart.

When he finally got me to talk and found out what happened, he wanted to kill Luigi.

He may have sworn to protect the man, but he would have burned down the estate to keep me safe. He’d always protected me, for as long as I could remember.

I still couldn’t trust he wouldn’t hurt me like my father had. He’d been my world once, and I, his princess. All until he ripped out my heart.

I needed Ronnie to prove himself. Back then, I wanted it to be something so fucked up he’d never do it.