Page 172 of Vows and Vendettas

When we separate, his eyes aren’t as shuttered, and I sigh in relief.

“Promise me something, agapiméni mou.” Aris traces his finger down my nose. “You can sit in on the planning, but don’t argue with me when we leave you behind.”

“I promise.”

Two days go by without a word from my father or clues regarding Kayla and Trinity’s whereabouts. There are nonstop visitors and calls with updates about Lavaughn Hairstons’ movements. My father has either realized the hell he’s about to have unleashed on him and is running scared, or he’s working on another plan of attack. His obsession with the Arroyos leads me to believe he has more in store for me and Aris.

On the third day, Aris’ men report sighting Wiz entering a condo with a suitcase and groceries, then leaving after spending five minutes inside. Our planning begins in earnest.

Aris squeezes my hand in the meeting with his men. “If he’s dropping off food and clothes, that means your sisters are alive.”

I smile wanly at him. Alive is good, but Lavaughn is capable of doing things to make people pray for death.

Aris kisses my knuckles. “They’re coming home tonight.”

I return his gesture, marveling that a man at his level never shies away from showing or receiving affection. Lavaughn and his associates put more stock in posturing than showing genuine interest in their families.

At midnight, Aris kisses me goodbye with a reminder to stay home. I touch my lips. This kiss feels different somehow. As he drives off with his men, it hits me. The kiss felt somber and almost like a farewell.

Twenty minutes after watching him drive away, I make my escape.


I arrive at the urban residential area where Aris and his men plan to rescue Kayla and Trinity. Armed guards patrol the area. The starless sky reminds me of psychological thrillers with prowling murderers and unsuspecting women. I should have stayed home, but I couldn’t sit idly by, wondering when I would hear any news.

Ever since Aris promised to get my sisters back no matter what, a foreboding sensation has dogged me. Then he kissed me. I’m not a courageous person, but I refuse to become a widow so soon after finding the love of my life. I won’t be reckless. Aris would kill me for endangering myself.

But if I can be of any help to him or my sisters, I will jump in without hesitation.

Moving shadows alert me to Aris’ men surrounding the building. One by one, they eliminate the men and go inside. Kayla and Trinity are in the penthouse of the ten-story building.

As I wait for news, the surrounding silence becomes more oppressive and ominous by the second. I spy through a pair of binoculars I packed for the outing. Aris hasn’t reached the tenth floor yet. A flurry of movement catches my eye.

Two couples leave the suite and walk down the hall and out of sight. I’m certain the two women are my sisters. Where are the men taking them? Do they know that Aris is here?

That’s when I notice the empty parking lot. Residents’ cars should fill the spaces. A sense that something very wrong is about to happen pushes me to ignore the danger and act.

I run to the building. It requires a key fob to enter. How did Aris get in? I search the area for some sign, but there’s nothing here. As panic grips my throat, I recall the security guards. I run outside. The first body I bump into has his throat cut. I swallow the bile clawing its way up my throat and I search his pockets.


I repeat the action on three other bodies before I find what I need.

With shaking hands, I return to the building and swipe the fob over the reader. The door clicks. I rush in. Where is Aris? I dial his number, but the phone goes to voicemail. Did he go straight to the tenth floor?

Think Niyah, think!

In the plan, they wanted to ensure a safe exit in case one of my father’s men was able to warn the others. That means they’re going floor by floor and eliminating potential threats. With a prayer on my lips, I call the elevator and head directly to the penthouse.

The eerie quiet on the floor dims under the loud pounding of my heart. The door is wide open. While I contemplate the meaning behind the open doors, footsteps sound behind me.

“Agapiméni mou?” Disbelief marks Aris’ question. “What are you doing here?”

And it clicks. “It’s a trap! They aren’t here.”

Although questions flit across Aris’ face, he doesn’t hesitate to grab my hand and run, his men in pursuit. We enter a stairwell.

“Shit!” he curses. There is a blinking device on the wall. “Haul ass, there’s a bomb!”