Page 168 of Vows and Vendettas

I shiver at the contact though I’m not cold. “Point taken.” I turn on my back with an exaggerated sigh. “I guess there will no longer be any casual touching. This is why we can’t have nice things.”

“Agapiméni mou, you don’t play fair.”

“Take your complaints up with my husband. I’ve taken lessons from him.”

“He sounds like an ass.” Aris twirls my braid between his fingers.

“No argument here.”

He drops my hair to glare at me.

“But I wouldn’t give him up for anything.” I drag his mouth to mine and kiss him.

When he rests his weight on me, I can feel his readiness. As I reach for him, our phones ring.

I walk to the bow of the boat, hoping his work call will distract him long enough for me to handle this call in private.

“Father?” I keep my voice low.

Today is the first time Lavaughn Hairston has reached out to me since I told him about my marriage. Anything he has to say doesn’t bode well for me.

“Niyah, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Now your sisters will pay if you don’t do as you’re told.”

My heart stops and I glance at Aris. From his stillness, he’s on the receiving end of bad news.

“What have you done?” Thoughts race across my mind.

My father is capable of anything. Until now, a part of me hoped he had a shred of compassion for his family inside him, but he’s proving me wrong.

“I’ve taken back what’s mine.”

“But Aris—”

“I don’t give a fuck about Aris. He thinks he’s invincible because he took over To Syndikáto and that I should fear him. But what is fear after losing the only thing that mattered to me? Your husband’s position can’t bring my son back. Only one outcome will make things right, and you’ll make certain it happens, or your sisters will pay the price for your sins.”

“You’re lying, trying to manipulate me. I bet you don’t have Kay and Trin.”

Lavaughn’s sinister laughter resounds in my ear. “Listen for yourself.”

“Niyah, ignore him. You have a chance to be free of him. Don’t jeopardize—” Kayla’s voice is cut short.

“Still think I’m fucking around, little girl?”

Tears prick my eyes. “Please, let them go.”

My father howls. “You amuse me. I’ve told you what you need to do, not like you have much choice.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ll soon find out. If you want to survive, don’t fuck up.” He disconnects, leaving me fearful and furious that he easily hurtled me back to the days I lived as a prisoner under his thumb.

“Agapiméni mou,” Aris says, remorse and anger lace each syllable as he modulates his tone to give me what I suspect is the same news as my father has. “I’m so sorry. Your sisters…”

“I know. My father just told me.”

My husband wraps his arms around my stiff body. “We’ll get them back, I swear.”