Page 167 of Vows and Vendettas

“The one that dictates if I had the dream home, my dream wife would follow. I put it out in the universe and ensured that I was prepared for you when you finally appeared before me.”

“Yes, I’d call your level of preparedness scary if not for the results. Too bad, none of those laws mentioned home decor.”

Aris shrugs away my comment. “I always intended for my wife to put her stamp on this place. For my needs, I only required a few necessities.”

“Well, I’ll keep that in mind, but I’m not ready to tackle this place.”

“Date it is.” He pulls me onto his lap. “Any requests?”

“How can you be so calm after your men found that intruder at the lake house?”

“Because my men did their jobs. They protected your sisters and they’ll continue to do so.” He kisses my knuckles. “And since you’ll be by my side, all is right in my world.”

The outdoors calls to me, its lure magnified by the prospect of going on a second date with Aris. For our first date, he closed out an entire restaurant and flew a world-class chef in to prepare our meal. Despite the lavish attention of the staff, what made the night enjoyable was discovering more of Aris’ dry sense of humor and trying to get a full smile out of him.

“How should I dress?”

An hour later, Aris pulls up to the harbor. As we leave the car, I spy a few cars pulling into the parking area. Either it’s a busy day for sailing or those are Aris’ men. Aris leads me to a speedboat and runs through a safety checklist while Ferb inspects our new setting.

I raise my face into the wind as Aris sails out of the harbor. Ferb pads up to me and mimics my stance, soaking up the sun and refreshing wind. The engine roars, making it difficult to speak. Despite the loudness, I find the ride calming. Sunlight reflects off the high rises of the Chicago skyline, giving the city I love an ethereal effect.

Aris finds a spot free of other ships and boats and lets us drift on the water. His men occupy five boats. They take turns idling and making perimeter sweeps.

“I packed us some food to eat.” Aris unpacks a basket and tosses a snack at Ferb. The dog catches it midair and devours it in seconds.

We eat and joke together. I’m not sure why I resisted our outing, considering how wonderfully everything is going.

“It’s so peaceful here.” I move to the recliner to lie out and soak in the nature surrounding us.

Now that we’ve stopped, I strip off my windbreaker, leaving me in a tank top and shorts. The sun warms my skin and I close my eyes to soak in the vitamin D. Peace settles over me as the boat bobs in the water.

A shadow hovers above me. “If we weren’t married, I would say you’re giving off stalker vibes.” I grin without peeking at Aris.

“Caring husband.”

His weight presses against my thigh. A squelching sound causes me to open my eyes and sit up to find Aris rubbing his hands together. Beside him sits a bottle of sunscreen.

A protest rises to the tip of my tongue when he applies the liquid to my skin. “It matches my skin color,” I say in awe as he rubs the protectant onto my leg.

His narrowed eyes communicate loudly that I’m an idiot for marveling over something so simple, but I’ve struggled to find sunscreens that won’t leave a waxy white residue on my brown skin. Then I realize, that I am the idiot they silently accused me of being. He’s shown me time and again that everything to do with me is his priority. Whether the task is impossible or easy, he’ll do it without calling attention to his actions because it’s the results that matter.

I rest my hand on his spine and kiss his shoulder. “Thank you.”

He whirls around to face me with a lascivious grin. “There are better ways to thank me.” We tumble until he lies over me, his mouth hot and wet as he sucks my neck.

“Anyone can come along and see us.”

Aris hangs his head and breathes deeply. “That’s right. You prefer to watch, not be the center of attention.” He resumes covering my skin with sunscreen, including under my shirt. “The sun’s rays can penetrate clothing,” he says as he gropes my moves my bra cups aside and gropes my breast.

My breathing hitches, causing him to set my clothes to rights and withdraw his hand. Ever since the night in the park, he pays more attention to my breathing during our passionate moments. He won’t admit it, but he’s afraid. There’s no point in arguing about what happened. I did pass out. But his continued concern lead me to believe that more happened than he’s telling me.

Aris shifts our bodies until we lay on our sides. I trace his chiseled jaw and sharp cheekbones, amazed that he grows more handsome to me every day.

“If you keep touching me, I won’t care if we attract an audience,” he warns. “And it’s been too long since I tasted your pussy.”

“I’m not doing anything sexual. Why is that your default?”

He arches his brow at me, then caresses my shoulder.