Page 164 of Vows and Vendettas

When I glance toward the door Aris walked through, I realize I was concerned about the wrong pet casting judgment. As if summoned from a horror movie, Phin sits at the threshold, her golden eyes shooting daggers at me.

“I’m here to stay, missy so you better get used to me.”

The cat flicks her tail and leaves. I’m not sure there’s any winning her over. I call the number in the phone under Aniyah’s sisters.

Kayla picks up on the second ring. “Niyah? Is that you?”


“Thank God. Are you okay? Wait, are you alone?”

“Yes, it’s just us, and I’m fine,” I assure her.

“Hmm, I want to believe you, but that man could have bugged our phones. Oh, I know, do you remember Monster or Princess?”

“The game we played as kids?”

“Exactly. If you’re in danger, say the name of the person we debated on whether she was a monster.” In the silence, she panics. “Niyah? What happened?”

“I’m here. You didn’t give me an alternative, so I didn’t respond.”

“Are you sure it’s not because you forgot the name?”

“Not even, Kay.”

“Prove it. Who was it?”

“Lucrezia,” I say.

When we were younger, the three of us couldn’t agree on whether we believed the rumors about her poisoning people. Kayla voted yes, Trinity voted no, and I was undecided. History always accused smart, capable women of something, the same way society treats Black people who excel beyond their low expectations.

“You’re positive you’re okay?”


“Okay, okay, you’re safe. You only have yourself to blame for my doubts. You should have called first thing this morning.”

“Is that Niyah?” Trinity says in the background. “When are you coming to visit?” The clear quality of Trinity’s voice tells me I’m either on speakerphone or she’s taken the phone from Kayla. “I have so much to tell you.”

“Only you could find something exciting to tell Niyah after yesterday,” Kayla grouses.

I’m definitely on speakerphone.

“When things have settled down more, I’ll have a better idea of when I can visit.”

“Or, if you tell us where you are, we can come to you.”

“No!” I blurt out. My conversation with our father is fresh in my mind. “Listen, we have to hang low. The Arroyos found out that I’ve disappeared and are making things difficult for the organization.”

“Dad’s in danger?” Trinity asks, a sad note I’m not used to hearing in her voice.

“Trin, he’s always in danger. Why do you keep pretending that this stuff doesn’t affect us?”

“Kay, lay off her.”

“No, Niyah. Trin is always like this. She refuses to believe our father can be an absolute asshole who deserves all the shit people can throw at him.”

“That’s not fair, Kay.” Trin sniffs. “Dad’s never treated me unfairly, and I can’t just shut off loving him when you haven’t given me a good reason to.”