Page 144 of Vows and Vendettas

“He sent you, Shay, to spy.”

“I had to agree to his terms, otherwise he’d never have let me come!” she argues.

“Well, if you want to stay, it won't come for free.”

“Marriage?” She scoffs, turning to walk back to her seat. “Connor’s not my type.”

“No offence, you're not his either.”

“So one of the other men, then,” she mutters flippantly. “Although, London doesn’t sound any better than home. Bet you hate water now. Did they punish your attacker?”

“I mean, I’m not overly keen,” I respond and then frown. I never told her he tried to drown me.

Anger sweeps through me, and I open my mouth to call her out when Deacon opens the door and orders me out. “Ronan wants you.”

I whirl round and march out of the room as he informs my sister that breakfast will be brought to her.

Locking her in, he grips my arm and rushes me down the hall.

“Did you hear?” My voice thins as the reality of the situation smacks me in the face.

“Don’t let your head run away. They could have a mole feeding back information. Their only involvement could be that and nothing more.”

Ronan and the other men are leaving Connor’s office when we appear at the top of the stairs. Deacon escorts me down and my husband's face contorts into rage when he sees how I’m being handled. “Get off my wife,” he hisses, taking the stairs to get in his friend's way.

“Easy, big man, just bringing her to you. Cara, it's best if you explain.” He leaves us and Ronan clips my chin with his forefinger as another guard heads upstairs to take over watching my sister.

“I hate this,” I whisper-choke. Taking hold of my hand, he walks us down to Connor’s office, where everyone sits, awaiting us. Ronan takes one of the high back leather chairs, pulling me to his lap, and I relay our conversation. “I never mentioned him drowning me.”

“Either Daddy Dearest is ready to implode or we had the wrong mole,” Ronan rumbles. Mole?

“Carter was dirty. He was too loyal to Gabriela. It made sense that he was the one to try to get to Lola.” Isaiah shifts in his seat, cupping his jaw as he thinks everything over.

“Carter is the man who hurt us?” I look around the room. Ronan groans as my arse comes into contact with his cock.

“No,” he huffs, adjusting me and wrapping an arm around my waist. “Someone tried to harm Lola after Gabriela left. We think she put her guard up to it, but there is a possibility that he works for whoever kidnapped you both.”

“You still have a mole and now my sister is here to feed information back.”

“I’m aware,” Connor drawls and levels my husband with a stare to remove me from the room. Without hesitation, I'm lifted and as he guides me to the door. A memory flashes painfully through my mind. Gasping, I stop and close my eyes, trying to recall it again.

“My scars,” I whisper. “Does anyone else know?”

“Just us and Lola,” he responds, moving to stand at my front. “What is it?”

“No amount of water will rid you of those scars,” I say quietly. “He knew. Whoever tried to drown me knew about my back.”

“That still doesn’t answer our question,” Connor says wearily. “Your father or kidnapper could easily feed that information to a mole.”

“I want to see him,” I tell my husband. “I want to see the man who tried to kill me.”

We stand outside a heavy steel door.

“He is chained up and can’t hurt you. He’ll verbally try to provoke you, but don’t bite, doll.”

“Okay.” Swallowing, I work my fingers nervously as Connor keys in a code.

“He’s in a bad way, so prepare yourself.”