Page 180 of Vows and Vendettas


His look of shock turned into a cheeky, entirely too charming grin when he jumped off the stage and walked toward me, though, and I felt the same grin stretching my own lips.

I couldn’t help it. I’d known this guy since I was a kid and had no clue what the world might hold for us, and though I chose Joseph and Sloane’s side of the world, I’d always have a soft spot for Anthony and the smooth way he glided through the world. And boy had he grown up. He’d been gawky and awkward the last time I saw him—the one and only time we’d slept together—and though all the promise of a handsome man had been there, we’d barely been old enough to drink. He’d been all potential and no follow-through.

Times had definitely changed.

I stretched without meaning to, my back arching in appreciation of the way he was looking at me. His gaze ran from my face down over my body and back up, and when his eyes found mine again I could see that he was thinking the same thing about me. I bit my lip and let another lazy smile grow on my lips.

I’d been intrigued when I saw him on that video. Interested when Penny had said she knew where to find him. It had been a good plan—find the guy, sex him up, and find out what he knew about what his family was doing and why— but I’d had my doubts about how well it would work. I knew Anthony would remember who I was and I’d been sure he’d still want me.

But I hadn’t known if we’d have the same chemistry, and that chemistry was going to be important if I was going to get him to give up any secrets.

Given the way the sparks were already flying, though, I was guessing chemistry wasn’t going to be a problem.


“Of all the gin joints in all the world,” I said when he was near enough. “If it isn’t Anthony Massimo.”

He leaned in and brushed his lips across my cheek instead of answering, letting them linger right below my ear, and I fought to keep from moaning out loud.

“Brooks Peterson,” he murmured. “I see you’re making friends as quickly as you always have.”

I cast a quick glance at the man I’d had to put down and shrugged when he drew back. “He thought he could take advantage of me. I had to teach him a lesson.”

Anthony grinned. “He obviously had no idea who he was dealing with.”

“Exactly. He must be new in town.”

Anthony barked a laugh at that and threw a hand up, getting the bartender’s attention. “Must be. What are you drinking?”

“Whiskey. Top shelf.”

“Same old Brooks.” He placed our orders and then turned back to me. “So what are you really doing here? Because I’m in this bar every week and I’ve never seen you here before. I’m guessing, therefore, that it’s not one of your usual haunts. Right side of town, wrong address.”

Right. I mean I should have known he’d notice that I’d never been here before. And he was correct; this was the right side of town for me. But I kept to Rossi and Brennan territories, and this was...

No Man’s Land.

Where I stood out like a sore thumb.

Time to lie.

I put my finger in the middle of his chest and drew it slowly up, savoring the hard muscle under my fingertip and the slight dampness that came from him having been under the lights for so long. I dragged it up further, brushing it over his neck, and when I reached his chin I pushed it up. “Maybe I heard you were going to be here and wanted to see how you’d grown up.”

The corner of his mouth quirked. “Is that so?”

I tipped my head, not admitting to anything. “Could be. Or it could not. What do you think?”

He pulled back enough to leave my finger in the air by itself, then leaned forward and pressed his lips to it once, his eyes dancing. “I think you know exactly why you’re here. And I don’t think it was just to see me. That’s too obvious. And you, Brooks, have never been obvious.”

I snorted at that and turned to the bar, clutching at the whiskey the tender had set down there. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Anthony. I don’t do subtle.”

He turned as well and leaned into me. “Subtle? No. But I learned a long time ago that you never tell the full truth. Not unless it serves your purpose. That said, if you’re just here to catch up, I’m game. Let’s sit.”

He led me to a booth in the corner where we’d get at least some privacy and I followed, somewhat surprised that my plan had worked so quickly, and reminding myself that I couldn’t trust him.

Because if I was the opposite of subtle, Anthony Massimo was the opposite of trustworthy. He’d smile in your face and stab you in the back while he was doing it. And you’d die still thinking he was the most charming man in the world.