Page 173 of Vows and Vendettas

We run without knowing what and when the bomb will detonate. The more landings we run by, the more grim our future looks. On every floor, there is another device. Once we reach the third floor, I begin to hope that we will survive the night.

Aris slams through the fire exit to the street, dragging me with him. We keep running without looking back until an explosion throws us to the ground. Smoke and ash clog the air. My ears ring and I’ll sport a few bruises, but I think I’m okay.

My hand is still in Aris’. Not once did he loosen his grip on me. I turn to him. Hearing and visibility are difficult, but he squeezes my hand to tell me he’s fine. We fall back to regroup.

“Did we lose anybody?” Aris asks his.

“Nikola didn’t make it,” someone says.

Aris nods. His body seems to expand as if he’s taking on the weight of his fallen man into himself. “Shit, your sisters!” For the first time, remorse fills his eyes. “I promised…”

“They weren’t in the building,” I offer. “That’s why I ran in to warn you. I saw two men taking them out.”

“Thank God for small blessings, but that means we’ve lost their trail. I apologize, agapiméni mou. I’ve broken another promise.”

“Not yet, you haven’t. Hear me out. You once told me that hiding in plain sight was the best strategy. What if that’s what my father is doing?”

“You think he took them to his house?”

“I don’t know why, but my gut says yes. If we go tonight, they won’t expect us.”

Aris looks into the distance as he mulls over my idea. “We’d be going in without a plan.”

“But you’ll have me. I’ve snuck in and out of that house before. I can get you in, too.”

“It’s too dangerous. I’d rather you draw me a map.”

I step away from him and frown at him. “I refuse.”

He advances until he’s almost on top of me. “I won’t allow you to risk your life again tonight.”

I poke his chest. “We’re in the same bucket, pal because I won’t let you walk into my father’s home expecting not to walk out again.” My outburst causes him to step back.

“You knew?”

Suddenly, tears cloud my vision. “You just confirmed it. If you want me to forgive you, then you can’t treat this as a suicide mission.”

“Okay, agapiméni mou, you win.”

“And you have to take me along.”

“When everything is settled, we’re going to have a long talk about what is acceptable behavior,” he warns.

“I can’t wait.”

“I can’t believe I’m arguing with my wife about this,” he mumbles. To his men, he says, “We’ve got a new objective.”

Within minutes, we’re on our way to the Hairston compound. From the guards’ movements, my father isn’t on high alert. I lead the men through the weakest entry point. From there, Aris breaks us into three teams because there are three possible places my father has my sisters.

My team heads toward my father’s study. On the way, Aris and his men dispose of all obstacles with efficient strikes. Their prowess is scarily reassuring. No wonder why Aris always expressed confidence in their abilities.

We enter the study through the patio doors.

Lavaughn Hairston sits at his desk drinking from a goblet. “It took you long enough to get here.”

Aris and his men create a protective barrier between me and my father while I search the room.

“Where are Kayla and Trinity?”